Almost there!

You could tell that most of the year were finished the mocks yesterday as everyone came in with makeup on, which means one thing- town. Oh Dublin City, how I’ve missed you! I have been having dreams about Topshop. Seriously. Dreams. About Topshop. It’s been nearly two months since I was last there, I have Christmas vouchers for spending!

But I needn’t wait any longer, tomorrow I sit my final exam until June and that glorious building of joy will beckon to me, casting its rays through St. Stephen’s Green, down Leeson St. and through Donnybrook and gently coaxing me through its welcoming doors. The thought of finally getting to wear something other than a mangy old hoody and scrappy pair of tracksuit bottoms is so tantalising, and I have the wonderful excuse of Valentine’s day to buy something as a reward for this long and tiresome fortnight.

I hadn’t anticipated how draining the mocks would be. Sure I knew I was going to get tired, and irritable, we were all told that before the mocks, but I didn’t quite realise how it saps your energy until it gets to a point where you’d accept an NG in every one of your subjects if it just meant an hour extra in bed. Ok so it didn’t get quite that bad, but it was quite a shock, and I was a bit late in buying the Berocca Boost.

I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I will not be happy with my mock results. I know I wont have gotten enough for medicine. I know I had great plans back in September to have everything learned in time for the mocks so I could give things a proper run, but unfortunately due to a combination of laziness and……ok just laziness- I have no other excuse, I did the bulk of my study in the few weeks coming up to the mocks. If there are any 5th years reading this, a word of advice: Study over Christmas! Don’t kill yourself, but you if you have mocks the two weeks before February midterm then you cannot afford to take the whole 2 week Christmas break off!

I shant bore you all with a breakdown of each exam, at this stage I’ve almost forgotten everything that came up, but no doubt in a few weeks time I’ll be moaning about every subject and the grades I got!

The next exam is Chemistry, I’ll be shortly learning all of organic chemistry (much of it for the first time…) once I finish typnig this. The really big thing coming up though is the HPAT. Between tomorrow’s exam and Saturday I have to get my head out of  “ah sure they’re only the mocks!” mode and into “this is a real exam with real results” mode. I panicked a bit a week ago when I had another look at the HPAT preparation test and couldn’t understand questions I’d been able to answer a month ago. I chalked this down to exhaustion though and when I tried again over the weekend they suddenly became easy again. I hope I will be in proper form for the HPAT, a huge breakfast and Berocca should do the trick anyway!

8 thoughts on “Almost there!”


    The mocks were horrible. Pass maths here I come. Could’ve have stayed Higher, but I#d have had to study.

  2. *wrings out parade and places it lovingly on radiator*

    Written exam anyway, I think the orals and practicals will be mad craic!

  3. trinitystudent

    Just came across this blog by chance. God I feel so bad for you guys, keep the head up, it’s a shite year but worth it in the end. I’m only in first yeaer in college and the LC is already a distant memory to me *smirks*

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