Exams, yay, I love exams..

My apologies for taking so long to post, due to a family bereavement I am woefully behind on just about everything. And that lovely little midterm thing went a little too quickly for me liking! 9 days seemed like roughly forever from the far end, but it really did fly. My beautiful plans for studying like crazy didn’t exactly materialise either.. Messy nights out are so much better in fairness.

I’m going to be a total moaner, but ranting is really necessary right now. Has anyone else’s school moved Christmas to early November? The concept of “big” exams – defined by being done in a hall, pretty much the only difference – this early in the year is quite frankly upsetting. Not to mention ruinous to my idea of a midterm, the feelings of guilt kinda hindered my sleep ins.  Thoroughly unimpressed really. Now that we’ve done all the nice Sixth Year things like book the grads and assert our domination over the feeble Junior Cycle students *evil laugh* I’m really not liking this anymore. I was talking to two cousins of mine who are in TY right now and I had a brief urge to kill them both out of jealousy. The faint memory of being able to not touch a schoolbook for a night or two.. Or even a pen, in many cases. One Bic biro lasted me all of TY, I’ve emptied several already this year. Damned History essays.

So yeah, exams are now less than a week away, joy to the world. Although admittedly, I’m starting to calm down a bit – this always happens a few days beforehand, when teachers start to give hints and narrow down areas of study – which is either brilliant news or terrible. I perform really well under pressure when I’m quietly confident, but confidence also leads to intense lack of study. But right now, meh. If it all goes to plan brilliant; I’ve settled on a course, and need an average of an A2 to get the minimum points required, nevermind to be guaranteed, so a good set of exams would be a nice boost. However, if it all goes wrong, feck it. Tesco is looking like a fabulous option. I could even go on into reality TV afterwards. It’d be great craic. Anything that doesn’t require study, or getting up in the morning, or general thinking. Thinking baaad.

The return after midterm was probably a bigger shock to the system than the return in September, or at least it felt that way. I think it was a combination of having missed the week beforehand, and also still wrecked from Halloween festivities, but today was rooouugh. I got a bit of study done though, which is a plus. Probably a case of too little, too late, but it’s progress 🙂 Aaaanyway, I have an overdue History Special Topic draft to finish off, so I’ll cut this off. Slán 😀

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