Sunday (not) Studying

It’s Sunday evening and I have just woke up. In less than 15 hours I, along with my fellow suffering leaving cert students, will be trudging into an exam room to sit the first of our mocks.

Why am I not panicking? This is not good, after a full week of nothing, I find myself glancing over study notes and browsing Bebo… at the same time. I’m tempted to switch off my phone but it’s harder than it seems. What can I say? I’m in demand!

So these are the harsh realities of a 21st century student. Personally I blame technology. It wasn’t too long ago that students had to make do with skipping ropes, spinning tops, or if they were really lucky perhaps a piece of chalk for hopscotch!

But we are cursed with televisions, computers, mobile phones and social websites. So parents, please do not blame us for poor school concentration, but instead the likes of Bill Gates (send him an email), or other such tech geeks.

You did not have the distractions we have today, except maybe a hard day’s work on the bog. We have an excuse, unlike you who did the leaving cert a hundred years ago in the typewriter days.

Take it easy,


5 thoughts on “Sunday (not) Studying”

  1. Hmm… Now I think of it, there are a few ways of interpreting what you mean by “a hard day’s work on the bog”… All as unpleasant as eachother… 😀
    Cheers, great blog!

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