Hello stressed ones!!
!!I did the Leaving Cert last year (2011) and I’m currently on a gap year. I got the elusive 600 points and I thought I’d join this site to offer my advice to those taking on the LC this year.
I got inspired to do so watching those dudes on the Late Late talkin about how they got really high points! I’m also thinkin about sellin my LC notes, where should I sell them??
The subjects I got A1s in were Irish, Biology, Chemistry, Music, French and Ag science. I also got an A2 (Honours) in English, (I did OL Maths so I’m not really much help in that department.:P).
The first piece of advice I’d give is to get a study diary! Every day when you get home from school write in all the study you intend to do for that day. It’s the only way to always keep on top of what study you’ve done and what study you intend to do. If you don’t get around to doing something mark it in for the next day, that way you never leave out any crucial work that needs to be done cause you have a record of it right in front of you! Also, having a list of work that needs to be completed in front of you really gets you focused and motivated!
I’m open to any other questions from everyone anyone who wants advice.
Good Luck!
Hi I was just wondering how u managed to study French and English? I’m repeating this year and constantly got Cs all last year and in the leaving also. I seem to put way more focus on subjects like biology and geography. I don’t get how you just sit down and learn english and french! :O
Also how did you get yourelf focused and maintain that? Find it so hard this year and just day dream the whole time ๐
Any help is really appreciated! ๐
Thank you ๐
Hi I know this is random but my name is Clara too and you posted on my birthday. Just thought it was cool hehe ๐
Hi, I am going into 6th year now and to be honest I am sh*#ting it.. I’m not an ‘A student’ I am just average which is perfectly fine bar the fact I want to study nursing in college and the lowest points which I can see in Ireland are 400 in Trinity.. this may be a walk in the park for some and probably seems like nothing against your 600 but it will certainly be a challenge for me.. no doubt! I do maths (OL), english (HL), irish (OL), music, ag science, german and biology (all HL). I also do LCVP which I hope to get a distinction in but I am worried I wont! I didn’t do great in my summer tests.. I failed german.. but this summer I did a german course in the institute of education so hopefully that will help.. my school teacher is USELESS.. in the institute it felt like I was learning Greek or something I was that clueless.. I got 67 in irish which is grand but I am WAY better than that.. I also did and irish course in Yates college this summer.. mainly for my oral! I got a C in english which I was very happy with because my english teacher marks very hard and most people got D’s, I got a C in maths which I was also happy with since I didn’t exactly give it my all… that kinda applies to every subject,, I got a C in music which I was delighted with because we have two different teachers meaning two different tests so when my first teacher marked even perfectly correct things wrong on my test, I was sure when the two test marks would be added together I would fail.. see our music class is small.. and as you would expect.. in a small class the brainy ones shine and the average ones are just ignored or made feel like crap.. I got 51 in ag science which I know most people would be upset with but I was really happy because I was finding it really hard to pass it.. I was really happy because I didn’t necessarily get anything wrong, I just didn’t write enough which kind of made me feel like I wasn’t as bad as I thought and that I just have to revise and write more.. but the one test that really upset me was Biology.. there are two biology classes in our year and for our test, the teacher I don’t have made the test.. now I know I studied for this test.. It is one of my favourite subjects and I always get a’s, b’s and sometimes c’s.. but this was dreadful.. my whole class complained.. it was like my teacher summarized everthing.. and left out bits ’cause it seemed like ‘common sense’ to her… I only got 46 and she will hold onto that result FOREVER.. At the moment I am most worried about my music practical, my ag science project and my LCVP portfolio.. as I have been gone most of the summer to them courses I feel I have become crap at piano.. not that I was excellent in the first place.. I have taken lots of pictures for my ag science project but after that I don’t really know what to do next? And as for LCVP.. I can honestly say I did F’all in 5th year… so yeah after my big, long rant.. what I am trying to say is.. CAN YOU HELP ME? I’m a leaving cert.. GET ME OUTTA HERE! (I felt a bit of humour could be added to lighten the mood of my disastrous education)
Hey well done with your results and good luck in medicine ! I want to go on and do nursing and I need 450 points I was wondering how did u get an A in biology ! I am failing Maths but I want to do higher level because u get higher points in higher level ! I would be lucky to get a pass in Irish and Maths higher level which means that’s a 90 points already so that’s 360 left to get which means an A (90) points in each other 4 subjects biology home economics English and geography ! And I’m not that smart I need help !!!
Hello Finton all my subjects are going well except business and English. What I really study in my business doesn’t usually come up and I find it so hard and annoying and for abq and long questions I find it hard to write so much for business. Plz help and give tips to get a a1 in business.
Hello there!
I have lots of helpful stuff to mention, maybe too much! ๐ so just take the advice which you think will be the most benedicial to you!
Right, well first I’ll talk about french. For the Oral exam, i started writing out all my answers to the most commonly asked questions (of which about three quarters of the oral was comprised) around now the end of january. Have a completely seperate copy for these answers and learn/revise at least one each night til the oral (I had about 50 answers in total written out). Make sure you jam pack those answers with impressive/fancy french phrases/idioms/expressions as well as fancy verbs like the conditional and the subjunctive which you can get from almost all french revision books, these instantly tell the examiner that you deserve extra marks (e.g. if you’re talkin about the global finance crisis you might say “Nous sommes au beau milieu de la plus mauvaise crise รฉconomique Irlandaise qui date de 1930.” = We’re right in the middle of the worst economic crisis to hit Ireland since the 1930s. Also more generic ones like ‘c’est vrai que’ and ‘malheureusement’ and ‘le gouvernement a un rรดle indispensable ร jouer dans ce domaine’ = the government has an indispensable role to play in this issue), and make sure they’re all grammatically perfect by asking your teacher to check them! Say them out loud as you’re revising them because the more practise you do speakin french, the better and more naturally you’ll be able to do it on the day!
For the writing responses/diary entries you need to have a similar approach whereby you learn lots of phrases, some general and some for certain issues like alcohol, racism, drugs in sport etc. And practise your writing by doing lots of the questions in the exam papers and having them corrected by your teacher.
For the tape and comprehension I have one word – practise! Do every tape and comprehension in the papers and learn all new vocabulary! Have a section for new vocab at the back of a copy and revise that vocab as often as possible!
Oh and know all your tenses for verbs!
Yeah English isn’t as straightforward cause it involves personal opinions in almost every part. Well the one definite is that you should know your poems, play and comparative really well i.e. know lots of quotes – chiefly the really important ones that reveal stuff about characters, poets’ emotions and stuff. And practise as often as possible by doing questions in the allocated time that you have in the exam. No point spendin 2 hours doin a question when ya only have 40 minutes on the day yano! And get them corrected! The more times you get a C for a certain type of question, the more chance you have of gettin a B and then an A the next time!.. as long as you take the advice and criticism from teachers of course ๐
For the comprehensions and unseen poem, just practise loads of them. I know that might not sound very specific but the way to do well in them is by developing the right techniques, look at marking schemes to get an idea of what examiners want and give them exactly what they want! Then they have no choice but to give you full marks!
Focusing was easy enough for me I have to say cause all I wanted to do was be a doctor and I knew that studying would get me where I wanted to be yano!
That’s where the diary comes in! When you have a list of 6 or 7 things to be studied that night it automatically gets you focused. You cross off every piece of work as you do it and you wouldn’t believe the satisfaction that comes at the end from seein tangible evidence that you’ve worked hard and studied! What’s more is that satisfaction is very addictive! So in time your brain will automatically start associating study with a feeling of satisfaction! Hence, you’ll study a whole lot more!
Hallo Fintan!
You know for French, did you have the written pieces that came up on the day prepared beforehand or did you just make up possible points to discuss in the actual exam? Are there any topics that you were sure of that they would come up on the day? Thank you very much for any help! ๐
Hey well what I did was I learned phrases and sentences for different topics like alcohol, the internet, crime etc. I had no real way of predicting topics that would come up, I just covered as many as I could and hoped for the best.
One way of combating that unpredictability is by learning off very general sentences like “le gouvernement a un rรดle indispensable ร jouer dans ce domaine”.
It’s also really important to get used to writing french out of your own head, cause you’re gonna have to do some of that on the day no matter what. Keep on practising translatiing random sentences into french and having your teacher look at them, the more you do the more fluent you’ll get at doin it and that way you’ll make much less mistakes on the day!
Hi Fintan ๐
Any chance you could tell me to got an A1 in music? I think my practical went well but I know the written exam is hard to get top marks in, what did you do? I know it’s late but I do hav a free week to learn as much as I can for only one subject so that’s a lot ! ๐
Thanks a million x
Can you reply ASAP to my comment ! Please finton
Hi there really good advice about the french ๐ I see that you got an A1 in ag science :O Please tell me how you did it :L.I always end up doing well in class tests but I’m finding that the exam papers don’t cover much of what we have actually done in class.Any advice on how to do well in it would be seriously appreciated ๐
Hi, I’ve lots of advice for this so take whatever seems most beneficial to you.
It’s funny cause I had the very same problem last year. Our teacher was more of a farmer than a teacher and he would dictate notes for us to take down without really havin definite course-focused material. And you can only work with the material you’re given so the key is to supplement what your teacher gives you with extra material that is more exam focused.
One strategy is to go through all the exam papers and copy down the answers from the markin schemes on examinations.ie and learn them and understand them.
Another, more reliable way is to get your hands on some really good notes! I got all my cousin’s notes who went to a certain grind school the year before (it was a stack about 4 inches high!) and just ploughed through them. There was a massive amount of facts and figures in each chapter which was very daunting but way to get an idea of what exact parts of the notes to focus on is to get really familiar with the exam papers. Get used to the types of questions that are asked and absorb anything from the notes that you think will be relevant based on your assessment of the question types. The common types of ones are like “compare the body types of cattle in a dairy enterprise and beef enterprise.” or “Discuss the management of animals in a pig enterprise from farrowing to slaughter”. You can be asked the latter question regarding any type of farm enterprise sheep, cattle, pigs, poultry.
Make sure ya know the phylums and plant families like the back of your hand as they’re definites!
Know all your barley and potato facts, sowing, favourable climate, when to harvest, all that stuff.
Do whatever you can to get your hands on extra notes, the farmers journal, the independant, see if you know anyone who may have gone to a weekend course or grinds/grind school.
The problem with ag science is that although it’s not very complex stuff, the course is really broad. The best way to prepare for that is maximising your knowledge of farm related info.
Hope this helps!
Thanks a million I’m going to definitely get on to a friend who goes to a grind school about extra notes ๐
A1 in Biology? Hi I want to get an A1 in biology, any tips for that. Like I know alot in the subject its my favourite one. But atm I seem only be reading over note because I think I know it, If that makes any sense.. Thanks for the help.
Good stuff it was my favourite subject too! I think Biology is one of the easiest to study for cause its very black and white, if you know the material you’ll get on great like. I think the main problem with Biology is the sheer volume of stuff that you have to learn!
So, comin up close to the LC I was at a point where all I would have to is look at the heading of a page and I’d automatically know what was on that page that I needed to know. I’d close the book and I’d be able to rhyme off the various points for, let’s say, temperature regulation in the skin, or the different parts of a nephron from afferent arteriole to the collecting duct.
It would be a similar approach for diagrams, I’d practise them really once or twice a week and make sure I had everything correctly labelled.
The last thing I would say is to make sure you know the big chapters that come up all the time like genetics, photosynthesis, respiration, ecology, and know them really well. Make out a diagram to organise the info for photosynthesis and respiration cause there’s so much there I couldn’t imagine learnin it all off without some
visual representation. And practise drawin those diagram every day!
And write out all the experiments once or twice a week too, its the only way to keep on top of them when there are just so many of them!
That’s what worked for me anyway! =)
Hi! I’m doing chemistry and i was hoping you had some tips to get the elusive A1? the subject is really interesting but i’m finding it difficult to learn off all the material on the course! Thanks!
Yeah chemistry is a tough one cause you need to be so precise!
Our teacher always told us that understanding definitions and stuff isn’t enough, you need to know them off by heart cause the wording is so crucial. The marking schemes for chemistry have certain requirements whereby there’ll be 3 or even 6 marks sittin on one word and if you don’t have that word, even if you have the concept explained fairly well, you won’t get the marks. So that’s the first tip, know all your definitions like your prayers! The only way to do that is through repetition. Say them twenty times or write them out twenty times if you have to.
It’s really important that you understand the material as well. This won’t always come straight away, I remember days where I’d leave the class really frustrated cause I couldn’t get a concept as quick as other people. What I did in this situation is to give time to let my brain braindigest it. Read it 10 times, think about it, look at diagrams, look it up on the internet. And if all else fails just ask your teacher to go through it again more slowly.
Calculations were what I found the most annoying, and the only way I got good at them is through repetition, there are so many different kinds that its really easy to forget some of them, or to mix them up. Once you have the method, do every question in the book and then move onto the papers. And repeat this every 2 weeks or so to really engrain them into the brain.
I used the exact same method then for the experiments. Repetition, repititon, repitition!
The last thing I would say is to do 2 or 3 of the past exams in the papers under the same conditions as the actual exam. By the time the LC came i had done about 3 mock chemistry exams, and that applies for all subjects.
Hope this helps!
Hi Fintan,
Firstly fair play to you for doing this.
Secondly, how did you manage your time e.g. 5th year, sixth year, weeks off and just before the leaving cert? [as in three hours a day on weekdays etc.]
Lastly, hows medicine going for you?
Cheers, well 5th year and 6th year were fairly similar for me with the addition of maybe about 1 hour of study. As I said, being a doctor was what I really wanted from the start so I was fairly focused from the start.
I’ll be honest I didn’t take part in much other stuff especially in 6th year, apart from playin music. You sometimes hear people on the news or the paper sayin it’s all about strinkin a balance and that you need to be involved in extra-curricular stuff but all I needed was something to do during a break and to allieve stress, and playin music was fairly perfect to that end.
Yeah it’d be about 3 or 4 hours on weekdays and then an extra 2 or 3 at the weekend.
Weeks off would be spent studyin about the same amount of time as I would at the weekend. I always took the weekend before a week off as a break though. Like, I did no study the weekend I got the easter holidays, cause in all fairness you need extended breaks like that to just rest.
I had seriously intense study just before the exams. I was gettin up at 7 or 8 and studyin for the most part of the day.
I was really lucky in that my exams were well spaced out on the timetable and there was only one day where I had 2 exams.
I would spend the day(s) before goin through the entire course like. I think I got the grand total of 2 hours sleep the night before I had ag science and music ๐
Unfortunately I can’t answer that question yet cause I missed out on medicine last year by the tantalising measure of 1 point ๐ Infact I had enough points for galway in the 3rd round of offers but the the ole random selection didn’t go my way unfortunately. I have the hpat in a few weeks and hopefully this time will go alot better!
Then it’s a little matter of 7 months to kill before college :L
Hey ๐
Im Doing Irish HL but im useless at the tenses as in i keep forgetting when to use them and just using any random one that comes into my head. Do you have any advice on learning the tenses? as we didn’t get to cover them in JC.
And when learning poems and pro’s ect would you write out and learn off answers or just know the poem/pro’s really well for the exam?
Hmmm well I’d love to share some secret technique that makes you know all the tenses perfectly really easily. But to be honest, the only way to do it is through familiarity ๐
Take it slowly, one tense at a time. Give yourself a goal of spending one week perfecting each tense. During that week, take the time to learn all the endings really well, starting with the present tense. Go to your book and look at the rules for this tense and learn them really well, practise them again and again and I guarantee you that you’ll have such a better grasp of each tense at the end of each week!
You still have loads of time to learn them so take the time now to do them really thoroughly!
My advice for the pros is to learn off the most important quotes that reveal important things about the characters, writer, subject matter. I would have had maybe only 9 or 10 quotes for each story. The poems are supplied on the exam paper so you don’t need to go learnin them
Learning off stuff is a very good idea too. Try to learn stuff that’s quite general so you can apply it to a large variety of questions. Descriptions of characters, themes and a summary of the plot are good ones for that.
But don’t forget to have a good understanding of what the story’s about! Just know the general line of events so that you know what you’re writin about when answering a question.
Oh and I’d advise understanding the stuff you learn off, learning off random words you don’t understand would never be a good idea!
I hope I’m answerin the question, sure if not, you can ask me more precise stuff!
Grand thats perfect ๐ Thanks a million for the advice really appreciate it ๐
How much study did you do in 5th year? I have free time every day except tuesday and thursday and get off at 1pm on wednesday. I try to study an hour on mondays, tuesdays thursdays and fridays, 3 hours on wednesdays and 4 hours on sundays. I tend to be uncomfortable when im trying to relax as im not studying so i dont know if im studying enough, but i also dont want to give up my social life too much since it’ll probably diminish next year. Thanks alot
Right, well in fifth year I probably would have had about 3 hours a night, I went to the gym and played in bands and stuff so it’s safe to say there was lots more goin on for me in fifth year than just study.
Now, it’s definitely important to lay some sturdy groundwork in fifth year, as in, when you do a chapter in a subject, you should make an effort to understand it all and be quite familiar with it. Unfortunately, there’s no set amount that I can label as being an adequate amount of study a day, you just have to go with your gut feeling and be honest with yourself, if you think you know and understand what you should know and understand then have confidence in your assessment!
Well I can safely say to you that that feeling of discomfort or guilt when not studying is your most valuable asset!! When I was in sixth year I had it constantly!!, and I owe all my good results to it! Of course, it’s tough on the ole nerves to be so highly strung all the time but in my opinion it was completely worth it!
well done, you must have been so happy!
Basically, I’m just wondering.. did you make out a study timetable and allocate a certain amount of time for each subject and if so, did you stick to it?
and, when at what point in the year did you feel completely confident in every subject?
Haha cheers yeah it was a great feeling i have to say.
Well what I did is I made out a list of everything I needed to know for every subject. E.g. I had an A4 sheet with all the chapters for chemistry, biology etc. written on them and by lookin at them I instinctively knew what I needed to go over and what I already knew fairly well.
When I decided what needed to be studied I’d write it in my study diary for that day and I’d cross everything off as I did it. Anything I didn’t get done, I’d mark it in for the next day.
The simple answer to your next question is, never!
I was still feelin anxious about just about every subject until the night before the exam. So anxious that I went through the entire course for each subject in the day/ 2 days before the exam.
On the last day I had Music and Ag science and the night before I was up until about 4 cause I still didn’t think I knew the material well enough!
And I think that’s the best way to be! You shouldn’t feel confident until the mornin of the exam (when you really need to feel confident, even if it means trickin yourself into thinkin so!) cause that’ll make sure you do as much preperation as you possibly can right up to the last minute! ๐
I wanted to ask something like the question above.
Did you feel confident sitting your exams… or were you still nervous?
and also… do you think its possible to learn A1 OL maths in 4 months with 2 hours study a day? with bi weekly help from teachers (i study at home)
Well to be honest I never really let myself feel too confident until the morning of the exams, I was in the lucky position to be able to say at that point that I had given my study every bit of effort I could muster and that I could ask no more of myself. Its really so important to be confident and relaxed on the day because exams are all about psychology and your mental state!
But as I said in the above reply, at no point before the morning of the exam did I feel fully confident or as if I had an A in the bag, and that helped me to prepare as best I could right up to the day of the exam! ๐
And yes that seems 100% possible to me! I didn’t have a regular maths class either, I got help from someone once a week on a saturday and the only study I would do was during the maths class at class (cause I was still in the honours classroom as the pass class seemed a bit wild :P) I barely ever studied maths at home and I got an A so if your doing 2 hours a day you should have no problem! ๐
btw… you’re inspiring ๐
haha, thanks blondie ๐
Firstly I’d like to congratulate you on your outstanding results Fintan respect!
I really like all of my subjects, except one. I really despise Economics (incidentally it’s the subject I fare worst in), and I’m not going to be counting OL Maths. I know you didn’t do it as a subject but have you got any tips on how to turn dreading a subject into productive study?
I love Biology and find it relatively easy except this year I’ve been slacking at it a bit on order to attain the higher grades for my other subjects! Do you think it’s better to focus on your best subjects and say get an A1 in them, or try and blance it out and get high Bs in most all subjects? Really appreciate your time and consideration, you’ve been so comprehensive in your answering!
PS. Similarly, I really want to be a doctor. Did you really think you were capable of getting 600 in say January of last year?
PPS. Sorry again but what instrument did you play for music? Merci beacoup!
Well thanks! ๐
Might it be the case that part of the reason you don’t like it is that you find it hard to do well in it?
Like, I didn’t particularly like ag science – I had nothing to do with agriculture all my life so alot of seemed really random! and what made it worse was that our ag science teacher was dubious at best!
But I got my hands on some really good notes and suddenly I got to know so much more info on the course, and because of that, although I didn’t get much enjoyment out of it, I started doin really well in it! ๐ So the truth is, you don’t have to like a subject to do well in it, and I think the key is to get better and better at it (no matter how boring it may be :P) until it gets more and more bearable to a point where you no longer mind doing it and simply see it as a means of gaining a big load of CAO points! ๐
Right, well I had a similar case but my best subject was Irish, I was fluent in it cause I had spent lots of time in the gaeltacht during past summers. So because of that I didn’t need to do a whole lot of study for it, I didn’t have to learn off answers or spend loads of time understanding grammar and verbs and vocabulary because it came quite naturally to me. Because of that I got to spend more time on other subjects that were a bit more of a challenge to me! So basically, my answer is yes, if you can afford to lessen the amount of study for biology to make more time for subjects that you’re not as confident in you should take that opportunity! ๐ (And don’t aim for all high Bs… aim for all As :D)
For me it was never a case of aiming for 600 points. It was a case of doing whatever I could to get the highest points that i was capable of getting. I never set a limit I suppose..
I played the button accordion and piano, but mainly the drums. There are few things more relaxing after study than bashin stuff up ๐
First of all well done on your results ๐ I feel we have so much in common after reading all your replies to the questions asked.
I am in 5th year, so I’m sitting my Leaving Cert next year, but since September I’ve taken stuff pretty serious, studying regularly, doing everything that is possible now so that next year I won’t have to panic and simply revise 5th year material and study whatever’s new
Like you I have or rather had a study diary (since Junior Cert) It is really helpful, I also have this satisfaction at the end of the day when I tick all the boxes that reflect all my hard work during that day ๐
My plan is to achieve 600 points in leaving cert and like you go for Medicine ๐
So my questions are :
If you missed out Medicine, how come you don’t have to repeat your leaving cert?
Is it only the hpat that you have to do again?
How did you go about preparing for the hpat?
Thanks! ๐
Well you seem really motivated and that’s key! Not many people have the get up and go to do lots of study in 5th year so well done! ๐
Yup, your leaving cert is like currency, it still counts for admission to college years after you’ve done it.
Last year working for hpat wasn’t at the top of my to do list I’m afraid :S so I missed out by the slightest of margins. For prep it’s all about gettin the books from the ACER and gettin really familiar with the type of questions. The odd preparation course is likely to help you too! ๐
Just note that he is not that smart..He is quite accomplished at learning things from pages that’s true and he has good concentration..but the fact that he did O.L maths suggests he struggled with maths due to the inability to memorize the pages..Einstein once said “Imagination is greater than knowledge”
That’s quite the judgemental comment to make Patrick.
I’d appreciate if you made no further comments on my blog post, cheers.
Since when does ones numeracy ability determine their intelligence? There are people who are perfectly capable of achieving an A in Honours Maths but can’t for the life of them contrust a coherent sentence in English. And while it may be true to say the Leaving Cert isn’t an intelligence test, I’m sure 600 points didn’t come from memory alone. Y’know why I think he’s intelligent? Because he knew how much work he needed to do and did it, and obviously he’s reaping the benefits now. Well done Fintan ๐
Kind words indeed, thanks! ๐
*Construct….How ironic:P
Hey Fintan, I was just wondering if you had any advice to catch up on work from now till the leaving as i have been slacking a bit and the mocks i wasn’t very prepared for:/ I just need something that can help in all subjects of mine, English, French, Biology, Business, Accounting (honours) Irish and Maths (ordinary). I know you didn’t do all those subjects but any advice will do?:/
Hey sorry for the delay, I didn’t see your comment before :S
Right well what I think you should do is get 7 A4 sheets, one for every subject, and on each sheet write down each of the chapters/sections of the subject. And stick these sheets up on your bedroom wall or door so you’re continuously reminded of what’s to be done.
I did this and the reason I thought it was so helpful was because as you look at these sheets, you see everything you need to know for each subject. No work gets overlooked!
Secondly, get a study diary so that you can document all the work you have done and intend to do.
Every day when deciding what to study look at these sheets and take a different chapter/section every day/2 days. Be honest with yourself, after going through a section go to the exam papers and if you can answer the exam questions then you did a good job. Once you’ve covered a chapter/section mark it with a highlighter, do that for each and then go to the second round of study where you do them all again, with the same process of looking at the papers, and then mark them all again with a different colour (the same colour for each round of study)
I followed this process and it worked wonders for me! ๐
Hey, How did you get your A in Irish…….I really want an A in Irish
I answered a similar question above, so I’m gonna copy and paste that one with a few little changes here and there if that’s alright!
Iโd love to share some secret that gets you to A1 standard really easily. But I don’t think there is one so I’ll tell you what I think will get you there. One definite is knowin your tenses extremely well! Do that through learnin all the endings for each tense meticulously and practise applying them to verbs (first declension, 2nd declension and irregular) If you know your tenses that’s one major hurdle overcome!
Take it slowly, one tense at a time. Give yourself a goal of spending one week perfecting each tense. During that week, take the time to learn all the endings really well, starting with the present tense. Go to your book and look at the rules for this tense and learn them really well, practise them again and again and I guarantee you that youโll have such a better grasp of each tense at the end of each week!
You still have loads of time to learn them so take the time now to do them really thoroughly!
For vocabulary, record EVERY new word you learn. all of them! Put them at the back of your copy and spend 10 minutes a night goin over them, after about 2 or 3 weeks you’ll suddenly find that the comprehensions are becoming alot easier! ๐
For the Oral exam, i started writing out all my answers to the most commonly asked questions (of which about three quarters of the oral was comprised) around now the start of february. Have a completely seperate copy for these answers and learn/revise at least one each night til the oral (I had about 50 answers in total written out). Make sure you jam pack those answers with impressive/fancy irish phrases/idioms/expressions as well as fancy verbs like the conditional and the imperfect (‘used to’ tense which isn’t even taught at LC level so that’ll really impress!) which you can get from almost all irish revision/school books, these instantly tell the examiner that you deserve extra marks!
My advice for the pros is to learn off the most important quotes that reveal important things about the characters, writer, subject matter. I would have had maybe only 9 or 10 quotes for each story. The poems are supplied on the exam paper so you donโt need to go learnin them.
Learning off stuff is a very good idea too. Try to learn stuff thatโs quite general so you can apply it to a large variety of questions. Descriptions of characters, themes and a summary of the plot are good ones for that.
But donโt forget to have a good understanding of what the storyโs about! Just know the general line of events so that you know what youโre writin about when answering a question.
Oh and Iโd advise understanding the stuff you learn off, learning off random words you donโt understand would never be a good idea!
I hope Iโm answerin the question, sure if not, you can ask me more precise stuff!
How did you obtain an A1 in Irish, what was you secret to success….????
Hey, I don’t have a top secret shortcut way of goin about it I’m afraid but just one comment above your one I’ve answered the question the best way I can think of, cause it helped me get the A1! ๐
You could sell your leaving cert notes but im not sure how much it would help anyone. People learn in different ways thats a fact and thus your notes may help some people but may not help others. Also the syllabus has changed for many subjects including Irish, Maths and the sciences so I’m afraid they may be a bit out of date.
hey, just wondering if you think its too late to get really serious about it all now!
Im in sixth year and didnt study as much as i could have in fifth year,
I am getting on pretty well, but just wanted an opinion from somebody who knows what their talking about.
what do you think, Will studying like crazy from now till june work or is it too late?
you obviously worked hard for the two years but was there a point in sixth year where you kicked it up a notch? if so when?
thanks ๐
You still have 4 months! That’s a huuuge amount of time!
If you get organised now you can still do very well.
I suppose the last 2 or 3 weeks was when I was doin the craziest amount of study. Like, before then, I never went for the whole gettin up at 6 every mornin to study and then stayin up til 2 am. But from about the 20th May I certainly wasn’t sleepin the recommended amount yano!
But seriously if you can get yourself motivated for these last few months then go for it!
Hey I was just wondering how did you get an A1 in music…
Like im fine at the practical and the composition paper. Who dis you study the listening section I just have no idea what to do or even where to start.
Well the fact that you’re set for the practical and composition so earlyy is great!
Well for question 6 and the irish music question the two key components are practise and getting used to the type of terminology. Practise every last one of the question 6s and trad questions in the papers, download random classical and trad albums and listen to them really actively! Check all the marking schemes to get use to the terms used, descending scales, homophonic, etc.
For the set works, what my teacher did was show us what notes to write and where in each of the scores, e.g. highlighting the love theme, friar lawrence theme in different colours, noting with arrows all the other features like two note chromatic melody on the horn, all that kinda stuff.
Then I would listen to the pieces while looking at the corresponding parts of the score and after a while I kind of just saw the pages in my mind while listening to the music yano!
Try it! ๐
Hey Fintan, I am starting the mocks on Tuesday and even though I’ve done a fair bit of study over the past few days, I still feel really under prepared. What I was wondering is how you did in the mocks, how seriously you took them, how much work you did for them…all that sort of stuff. Thanks ๐
Well the first thing I can tell you is that feeling unprepared now is a good thing, it’s gonna be the catalyst to make sure you work as much as you can! But the morning of each exam you gotta walk in to that exam hall like a boss! B)
Make yourself believe that you’re sorted (without going to the extreme of being cocky cause that can be a bad thing too!) cause exams are all about psychology! Keep a cool head and all that.
I got 540 in my mocks and I took them somewhat seriously. The mocks aren’t about doin well, they’re about familiarising yourself with the whole process of the exam. Like, I wouldn’t have really studied especially for the mocks the week before, I just kept on studyin my normal routine cause I had my eyes on June!
I would say breeze through some general revision alright, but don’t go treatin your mocks like the results are of paramount importance, cause they’re not.
And its much better to do average in the mocks than to do really well cause this is gonna scare ya a little bit and you’ll do much more work for when the time comes in June!
Wow 600 points fairplay fintan , I’m in 6th year now and my mocks are coming up in 2 weeks and I haven’t opened a book yet …LITERALLY!
The motivation is just not there you think it would at this stage I find it so hard to study, when I come home from school I’d be so tired I just throw myself down on the couch for the night and I say to myself then I’ll make up for it now the weekend but I NEVER DO! ๐ .
This weekend now I had enough of it I had nothing going on but I still didnt do nothing only arse around and I wanna do well I really do I’m aiming for 330 but at the rate I’m going I’ll pass none of my subjects I’m behind in all of them failing alot of them and I’m sick of it. I’ve studied more in the last five years of school compared to this year. Is ther Eany hope for me at all?
I’m doing 7 hard enough subjects with alot of study in them all.
1:Business Higher,
2:Geography Higher
3:Biology Higher (which would be my worst)
4:French Ordinary ,
5: English Ordinary ,
6: Maths Ordinary,
7 Irish: Higher
Theres so much to cover with so little time left with all the time I wasted . I dont know where to begin because thers just so much , I don’t want to repeat this next year who wants to go through all this again ?
I’ve found your advise on the previous comments very helpful but it seems I’m in a totally different situation compared to everybody else is there any extra helpful advise you can give to me.
I’m really frustrated with myself at this stage and I am really scared I must admit and I’m not the only ones that are scared alot of my family and teachers have become fed up with me not studying ๐ …
I NEED HELP FINTAN BIG TIME! I gotta change my act TONIGHT ….I had enough? ๐ ๐ ๐
Right Cian well I’m gonna wait til tomorrow to answer this question cause its clear you want a real good answer and so I’m gonna give it a good bit of thought.
But first of all, of course there’s hope! You still have 4 months!! That’s a massive amount of time to do study any amount of material!
Leave it with me…
Right well what I think you should do is get 7 A4 sheets, one for every subject, and on each sheet write down each of the chapters/sections of the subject. And stick these sheets up on your bedroom wall or door so you’re continuously reminded of what’s to be done.
I did this and the reason I thought it was so helpful was because as you look at these sheets, you see everything you need to know for each subject. No work gets overlooked!
Secondly, get a study diary so that you can document all the work you have done and intend to do.
Every day when deciding what to study look at these sheets and take a different chapter/section every day/2 days. Be honest with yourself, after going through a section go to the exam papers and if you can answer the exam questions then you did a good job. Once you’ve covered a chapter/section mark it with a highlighter, do that for each and then go to the second round of study where you do them all again, with the same process of looking at the papers, and then mark them all again with a different colour (the same colour for each round of study)
If you want to get organised this is the way to go!
I followed this process and it worked wonders for me! ๐
If there are any other questions I’m happy to help!
Much apreciated , not many would do that now Fintan ,Thanks very much
Great advise … Thanks very much . I definely intend on doing this right away, I’ll have no excuse not to study now ๐ ๐ ๐
Hiya Fintan, fair play with the results! ๐
I’m Just wondering how you studied chemistry? I’m in fifth year, and though I’m constantly studying it, learning definitions and diagrams and other things of that ilk off by heart. When that stuff comes up, it’s great and all, but I’m afraid that I don’t understand the concepts behind what I’m learning, and because of that the more open-ended kinds of questions have me scratching my head…
Is it just a case of going over this stuff until it’s second nature, or do you have to “get” it really if you’re going to do well?
I’m in fifth year and hoping to do med too, so I’m hoping to nip this problem in the bud, so to speak! ๐
Any advice at all would be really appreciated, and thanks and good luck in the hpat ๐
Yeah you’re right, understanding the concepts in chemistry is hugely important! Without an understanding you’re kinda blind in a sense cause you can’t connect the dots between related concepts and you can’t manipulate the facts that you know, cause at the end of the day there’s likely to be lots of questions that require higher thinking than just recall.
I was lucky in that my teacher explained things brilliantly. So what I’d advise is if you don’t understand something do whatever you have to to gain the understanding you need, and that goes for every subject!
Type that topic in online there’s a website called chemguide.co.uk that I used to go on when I needed to clarify stuff. Youtube can have good videos on topics too!
Then once you have this solid understanding of the material, you should just follow what you’re doin now! Second nature is exactly what you want! In June I was at the point where all I had to do is look at the heading of a page and I knew immediately what facts were on that page that I needed to know.
Hope this helps.
Once you have that solid understanding
Disregard the last line ๐ typo :S
Sound ๐
Hiya Fintan! ๐ Firstly wow in relation to your results fair play to yoU! ๐ secondly its very good of you to help us out like this! ๐ and thirdly im in 6th year and im really really struggling with biology (higher level). Science has always been my weak point and at the moment im averaging at around a C2 with it! so any tips of the best way to study it? (also how much would you be looking for for your biology notes?)
P.S. i absolutely love the idea of the a4 sheets with the chapters on it absolutely brilliant idea! ๐
Thank you! ๐
hey thanks!
Well the first thing about science subjects is that its of massive importance that you understand the material very well cause you need to be able to link concepts and manipulate the information you have to suit questions that come up cause you’re not always gonna get simple qs like “name 2 structural carbohydrates” yano? So just do whatever you have to in order to gain this understanding, ask the teacher to explain things again, ask people in your class, go on the internet for good explanations of the concepts you’re wonderin about (youtube can sometimes have really clear helpful videos :))
Now maybe its a case that you already understand the material well enough and all you need is advice on how to get things to stick better when you learn them, so what I’d advise for that is repitition. I didn’t have any secret to make things stick after only lookin at them once or twice, so what I did was I would just keep going through rounds of study, where I’d study all chapters and then go round and do them all again. Make sure you learn things well, whether its by writin it out or by closin the book and sayin it out loud.
And every time you study a chapter go to the exam papers and do all the questions based on that chapter! ๐
Hope this helps!
thank you it does! i think the first paragraph is more suitable to me! i just get fierce confused by it all! but today i studied osmosis and meoisis and that sort of stuff and i think i understand it better now! it seems to link in with other parts of the course too! ๐ thanks again! ๐
Hi Fintan,congrats on your results by the way what an achievement.I would love advice on how to get an A in Ag Science especially on obtaining 25 percent on the portfolio and the written exam.Any advice on the doing well on hamlet and the compartive i seem to always get a high C but i can never step upto a B i would love your expert help on these fields.Thank you
Right well first of all it’s really important to make sure your project is organised and coherent. Have clearly defined sections and group facts figures that are related to each other in the same place yano.
Like, I didnโt particularly like ag science โ I had nothing to do with agriculture all my life so alot of seemed really random! and what made it worse was that our ag science teacher was dubious at best!
But I got my hands on some really good notes and suddenly I got to know so much more info on the course, and because of that, although I didnโt get much enjoyment out of it, I started doin really well in it! ๐ Having a ton of info is the way to do well in the interview part. You could really be asked anything since the ag science course is so broad, so the only way to combat that is to cram as many course-based facts into your head as possible – I know it doesn’t sound very exact but that was the only approach I could think of when faced with such a broad course yano!
Also here’s the advice I gave to a similar question above and I think it’s very relevant.
Itโs funny cause I had the very same problem last year. Our teacher was more of a farmer than a teacher and he would dictate notes for us to take down without really havin definite course-focused material. And you can only work with the material youโre given so the key is to supplement what your teacher gives you with extra material that is more exam focused.
One strategy is to go through all the exam papers and copy down the answers from the markin schemes on examinations.ie and learn them and understand them.
Another, more reliable way is to get your hands on some really good notes! I got all my cousinโs notes who went to a certain grind school the year before (it was a stack about 4 inches high!) and just ploughed through them. There was a massive amount of facts and figures in each chapter which was very daunting but way to get an idea of what exact parts of the notes to focus on is to get really familiar with the exam papers. Get used to the types of questions that are asked and absorb anything from the notes that you think will be relevant based on your assessment of the question types. The common types of ones are like โcompare the body types of cattle in a dairy enterprise and beef enterprise.โ or โDiscuss the management of animals in a pig enterprise from farrowing to slaughterโ. You can be asked the latter question regarding any type of farm enterprise sheep, cattle, pigs, poultry.
Make sure ya know the phylums and plant families like the back of your hand as theyโre definites!
Know all your barley and potato facts, sowing, favourable climate, when to harvest, all that stuff.
Do whatever you can to get your hands on extra notes, the farmers journal, the independant, see if you know anyone who may have gone to a weekend course or grinds/grind school.
The problem with ag science is that although itโs not very complex stuff, the course is really broad. The best way to prepare for that is maximising your knowledge of farm related info.
Hope this helps!
Hey Fintan!
Fair play with the 600 points and the fact that you doggedly stuck at it for the 2 years!
A problem I have with studying is that my concentration lapses after about 15 minutes.. I do my best to keep away from all the distractions but I have a short enough attention span. Any help with how to stay focused during study?
Also, how would you reccommend studying for Hamlet? My biggest weakness are the quotes (not just for Hamlet but for poetry as well). Is the best option just to write them down for each scene/poem and learn them off as best as possible?
Thanks a million.
Well one good way of improving concentration is to just relax for 5 minutes or so before you start. Sit with your back straight against the back of the chair. legs shoulder width apart on the ground and close your eyes. For these 5 minutes just empty your mind of all thoughts, it may be hard at first, but keep trying until you’re literally not thinkin about anything.
When you open your eyes again your mind will be so clear, it feels like having a blank canvass with no unwanted distractions!
Other than that I took breaks really often, about every 25 minutes, sometimes even more frequently, I’d take a break between each subject I was studyin, even if it was just to listen to 2 songs, or walk outside for a few minutes. Every time you sit back down you have a renewed sense of focus so you give your best concentration to what you’re doing!
What I did with quotes was go through each scene and pick out any quotes I liked or that were important and wrote them all down chronologically on a load of pages and stapled them together. Every night I took a page and just read them over and over again and said them 5 times without lookin at the sheet. (or write them out 5 times if you prefer that)
Another thing I did to study Hamlet was I wrote out my own summarised timeline. You don’t have to know everything that happened in the play, just most of it. I wrote it out really casually like “act 5 scene 1 – hamlet and horatio in graveyard, meet gravedigger, macabre dialogue, symbols of death, skull etc.” the more often you go over this timeline the better your knowledge of the text, and when you have to answer a question, you just skim through the summary you have developed in your head and match the quotes from that particular scene.
The last thing I did for Hamlet was read through lots of sample answers and notes, and when I say read I mean just that. Not just learning off loads of stuff, but reading again and again. You’ll be surprised how much you will remember and will use in your answers.
Hope this makes sense! ๐
Hi Fintan
Great job on the 600 points.im hoping to get close to that as i too want to study medicine im in fifth year and I know I still have a lot of time but I feel like time is against me i study 2 hours a week and im an A student in chemistry and biology but honours irish is a big pain can u give me some advice on how to maximise my study time
sorry 2 hours a day
Hey so for the irish thing I’m gonna paste on something I wrote in one of the above comments which I think is really helpful ๐
Iโd love to share some secret that gets you to A1 standard really easily. But I donโt think there is one so Iโll tell you what I think will get you there. One definite is knowin your tenses extremely well! Do that through learnin all the endings for each tense meticulously and practise applying them to verbs (first declension, 2nd declension and irregular) If you know your tenses thatโs one major hurdle overcome!
Take it slowly, one tense at a time. Give yourself a goal of spending one week perfecting each tense. During that week, take the time to learn all the endings really well, starting with the present tense. Go to your book and look at the rules for this tense and learn them really well, practise them again and again and I guarantee you that youโll have such a better grasp of each tense at the end of each week!
You still have loads of time to learn them so take the time now to do them really thoroughly!
For vocabulary, record EVERY new word you learn. all of them! Put them at the back of your copy and spend 10 minutes a night goin over them, after about 2 or 3 weeks youโll suddenly find that the comprehensions are becoming alot easier!
For the Oral exam, i started writing out all my answers to the most commonly asked questions (of which about three quarters of the oral was comprised) around now the start of february. Have a completely seperate copy for these answers and learn/revise at least one each night til the oral (I had about 50 answers in total written out). Make sure you jam pack those answers with impressive/fancy irish phrases/idioms/expressions as well as fancy verbs like the conditional and the imperfect (โused toโ tense which isnโt even taught at LC level so thatโll really impress!) which you can get from almost all irish revision/school books, these instantly tell the examiner that you deserve extra marks!
My advice for the pros is to learn off the most important quotes that reveal important things about the characters, writer, subject matter. I would have had maybe only 9 or 10 quotes for each story. The poems are supplied on the exam paper so you donโt need to go learnin them.
Learning off stuff is a very good idea too. Try to learn stuff thatโs quite general so you can apply it to a large variety of questions. Descriptions of characters, themes and a summary of the plot are good ones for that.
But donโt forget to have a good understanding of what the storyโs about! Just know the general line of events so that you know what youโre writin about when answering a question.
Oh and Iโd advise understanding the stuff you learn off, learning off random words you donโt understand would never be a good idea!
For maximising study time I would advise planning and organisation!
Use a study diary to document what you have studied and plan what you’re going to study.
This really helped me to focus and maximise study time and also was a really good indicator of what I had alread studied and what I needed to study!
Hey Fintan,
Just 1 quick question… I know you didn’t do honours English but was just wondering if you had any experience on how to best learn English essays? I have about 25 essays/paragraphs to learn or be able to put into my own words on the day and I was wondering if you had any advice to best learn that amount of essays and be able to write the recommended 3/4/5 pages depending on the topic in the exam.
Thanks a mil for your help
Hey no you’re grand I did do honours English, it’s honours maths I didn’t do.
Well I didn’t actually learn full English essays myself, for paper 2 essays I just knew lots of quotes and used my knowledge of the texts to do out my answer. For paper 1 essays I only had one essay that I intended to use if a certain essay title really suited it. Therefore I’m probably not the best person to ask for how to learn off 25 essays.
However, for that one essay I did learn, I followed a certain method. I would read it very often, maybe once or twice a week, so that the overall running order of the essay was very clear and concrete in my head so I would be able to reproduce it on the day. Then every week or two I would make sure I had the running order straight in my head by writin it out in bullet points. The only parts I actually learned off were key sentences, certain sentences that set a mood, described a scene/a feeling, or sentences that had a certain lyrical quality or were just simply really impressive – maybe had a big fancy word or two.
I would advise trying somethimg similar to this method cause it worked really well for me and I can’t begin to imagine what it would be like havin to learn off 25 essays word for word or anythin close to it!
I hope this helps!
hey Fintan :L think i nearly died of shock reading the A1 in chemistry and biology lol! fair play indeed. Im having a complete panic here though because ive basically done no study so far and getting extremely stressed. Im studying both honours chemistry and biology and need the A in biology, A1 would be wonderful! and i really need a B for the course I want, but the only times i do well in these subjects, more so chemistry is by cramming right before class tests, which means i forget the information in a matter of no time. Do you think its at all possible to get my A1 in biology(which im fairly good at to be honest…) and maybe a B2 chemistry in the little time thats left? if so, any guidelines? thanks a million and good luck with the medicine next year x
Hey, so from what youโre sayin it definitely sounds like you have no problem learning and understanding the material and thatโs great! Thatโs often a massive hurdle.
I gave the best advice I could just a few comments up the page so Iโm gonna copy and paste that and hopefully that should be of help to you.
Right well what I think you should do is get A4 sheets, one for every subject, and on each sheet write down each of the chapters/sections of the subject. And stick these sheets up on your bedroom wall or door so youโre continuously reminded of whatโs to be done.
I did this and the reason I thought it was so helpful was because as you look at these sheets, you see everything you need to know for each subject. No work gets overlooked!
Secondly, get a study diary so that you can document all the work you have done and intend to do.
Every day when deciding what to study look at these sheets and take a different chapter/section every day/2 days. Be honest with yourself, after going through a section go to the exam papers and if you can answer the exam questions then you did a good job. Once youโve covered a chapter/section mark it with a highlighter, do that for each one and then go to the second round of study where you do them all again, with the same process of looking at the papers, and then mark them all again with a different colour (the same colour for each round of study). Itโs through this repetition that the facts you need to know get stuck in your head and not fall through it like a sive!
If you want to get organised this is the way to go!
I followed this process and it worked wonders for me!
Hey, so from what you’re sayin it definitely sounds like you have no problem learning and understanding the material and that’s great! That’s often a massive hurdle.
I gave the best advice I could just a few comments up the page so I’m gonna copy and paste that and hopefully that should be of help to you.
Right well what I think you should do is get A4 sheets, one for every subject, and on each sheet write down each of the chapters/sections of the subject. And stick these sheets up on your bedroom wall or door so youโre continuously reminded of whatโs to be done.
I did this and the reason I thought it was so helpful was because as you look at these sheets, you see everything you need to know for each subject. No work gets overlooked!
Secondly, get a study diary so that you can document all the work you have done and intend to do.
Every day when deciding what to study look at these sheets and take a different chapter/section every day/2 days. Be honest with yourself, after going through a section go to the exam papers and if you can answer the exam questions then you did a good job. Once youโve covered a chapter/section mark it with a highlighter, do that for each one and then go to the second round of study where you do them all again, with the same process of looking at the papers, and then mark them all again with a different colour (the same colour for each round of study). It’s through this repetition that the facts you need to know get stuck in your head and not fall through it like a sive!
If you want to get organised this is the way to go!
I followed this process and it worked wonders for me! ๐
Congrats on your outstanding results,they really are something to be proud of! ๐
I was just wondering about music, i got my grade 6 violin at christmas and have now started 7,would you say thats safe enough to do 6 pieces on violin for the practical? i have trad and jazz too,or should i do violin and technology? Also,im aiming for the middle 500s but i only got 490 in my mocks, :/ Do you think im aiming too high? oh and finally,i really dislike the rates chap in chemisty,any tips?
thanks for taking your time to do this,much appreciated! xx
Ok so it looks like you have 3 options. The first is to do the technology thing for the practical as well as the violin, I’ve heard it’s incredibly easy!
The second is to do 6 pieces on the violin, if you decide to do this I think it’s a very good idea to try different genres and different time signatures. I did 4 trad pieces on the accordion- all different time sinatures- and then for the drums I did two trad pieces, a jig and a reel, and then I played a kind of metal song by system of a down which I think was 6/8 or 12/8 and it had lots of syncopation and not so common rhythms, and I also played that jazz piece take five which was in 5/4. I think being able to play in these different time signatures is quite impressive and as long as you don’t make any major mistakes you’re very likely to get at least 48/49 %.
The third option is to do 4 solo pieces and 4 with a group i.e. with one or two other people. Someone did that in my school last year and as part of the group performance he played a tune for a bodhran player, he had a guitar player accompany him play playing a tune and then played 2 tunes with another musician – like a duet.
I think it just comes down to which option appeals to you most yano!
Not at all! I went up exactly 60 points from my mocks to my leavin cert, anything over 450 in the mocks is very encouraging for getting really high points in the real thing!
Well for chemistry I think the biggest hurdle in each chapter is understanding the material. There were lots of days in chemistry when I didn’t immediately understand what we were learning and it was really frustrating. But when I got home I wouldn’t rest until I understood it. I’d look at the page for an hour if I had to and then if I needed to I’d go on the internet, youtube, google, and type in the topic, there are some great videos and articles all over the internet which explain concepts so well and I found them a big help! One is chemguide.co.uk. I remember I didn’t fully understand part of the ph chapter until I looked at this website.
Once you understand the material I’m afraid the only advice I have is repitition! Go through every last one of the chapters and do all the questions in the exam papers and when you’re done, do them all again! For diagrams draw them out again and again, for experiments write them out again and again! The day before my chemistry exam I went through every single chapter, but it was easy study because I was able to breeze through each page in the knowledge that I had seen each page maybe 100 times and had what I needed engrained into my head!
Hope this is of help to you!
Hi Fintan well done on the big 600, and I hope the hpat went well on the 25th ๐ I, like you want to go to med school and I’m currently in fifth year. I’ve just one question to ask here regarding maths. I’m presuming a clever lad like yourself did honors maths for the junior? If so why’d you drop it? Or if you didn’t do it at all why’d you steer clear from it? I’m thinking of dropping to ordinary and focusing on other subjects like business and chemistry, but the promising fact of 25 extra points has me contemplating whether or not to drop. With these extra points the points for medicine are sure to rise and that won’t be a good thing for hopefuls like ourselves. Thanks a million ๐
Hey thanks yeah I was quite a bit happier than last year so here’s hoping!
I did indeed yeah, well the reason I dropped honours maths is simply because I had no need to do them. I had no particular like for maths and it would have been a waste of time for me to do them really!
Well here’s the thing. Those extra 25 points for honours maths only translates to 5 points for medicine because each 5 points over 550 translates to one point. Now of course if you get 500 and you have honours maths you will have the full 25 and go up to 525 but it’s not the 525 or the 535 students that would usually worry us medicine hopefuls, it’s moreso the 580s, 590s and 600s and it’s nice to know they’ll only get 5 extra points! ๐
So if you feel confident that doing honours maths wouldn’t take away from your other subjects then do it for sure, but if it could have a bad effect on your other subjects then I would say steer clear from it cause although 5 points can of course make a difference, it’s not worth risking a lower grade in other subjects!
Good luck!
Hey. Congrats on your 600 points! ๐
I’m after gettin all my mock results back. I’m happy with most of them but I have to improve by at least 50 points if i want any thing on my CAO.
I’m studying English, Irish, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, French and Home Economics, all at Higher level.
I’m hoping for an A1 in Biology and Irish. Do you have any advice on how i can achieve this?
I find as well that things I revised last week i have forgotten already.
Do you have any advice on how I can improve my grades or anything that I should be doing?
I gave the best advice I could just a few comments up the page so Iโm gonna copy and paste that and hopefully that should be of help to you.
Right well what I think you should do is get A4 sheets, one for every subject, and on each sheet write down each of the chapters/sections of the subject. And stick these sheets up on your bedroom wall or door so youโre continuously reminded of whatโs to be done.
I did this and the reason I thought it was so helpful was because as you look at these sheets, you see everything you need to know for each subject. No work gets overlooked!
Secondly, get a study diary so that you can document all the work you have done and intend to do.
Every day when deciding what to study look at these sheets and take a different chapter/section every day/2 days. Be honest with yourself, after going through a section go to the exam papers and if you can answer the exam questions then you did a good job. Once youโve covered a chapter/section mark it with a highlighter, do that for each one and then go to the second round of study where you do them all again, with the same process of looking at the papers, and then mark them all again with a different colour (the same colour for each round of study). Itโs through this repetition that the facts you need to know get stuck in your head and not fall through it like a sive!
If you want to get organised this is the way to go!
I followed this process and it worked wonders for me!
Hi, well done on your excellent results
I really need your help. I got 480 in my mocks and need at least 540. I got a C1 in chemistry in my mocks and need it to go up to at least a B2 for my ucas offer, I also got a C1 in english. my english teacher was disappointed with that as i didn’t stick to the question andin paper 2, i got really caught up with writing 6 A4 pages but those pages i just spent talking generally about the play, the poems…. any tips on how to improve.
i feel i worked hard in 5th year. i think i lack study techniques. when i revise a chapter in any subject i do every exam q but all this takes about 3 hrs. is this eating up too much time.
when i revise a chapter in a subject (esp. chemistry) i always find myself forgetting it in about 2 weeks. should i try to split the chapters into little topics rather than trying to learn too much all at once and then do the exam q as i go along
as you can see i’m just not sure how i can wisely spend the next 13 weeks up to leaving cert so i can get my needed points. thanks for reading this EXTREMELY LONG post,
Well what I would say for your first question is to structure your answers really well. I always found that really good to focus my answers a bit better and stop the chance of me rambling. What I would do is just jot down four or 5 broad points, write relevant quotes that appied to them beside them and then just ellaborate and create an answer from those little pointers I had written out. Whenever you write a sentence think to yourself ” does this look like a relevant point/comment to make?”, cause sometimes I used to be really happy if I had 6 or 7 pages written out but then I’d have it corrected and I’d get a bad grade for it – the reason being I was focused on quantity and not quality.
Well what I used to do was be realistic in how much I studied in a night and how much I hoped to remember. I mean if one chapter is particularly long, let’s say fuels and heats of reaction in chemistry, you should split that over 2 or 3 nights, and then do the exam qs. Don’t worry about how long it’s taking as long as you do things thoroughly, maybe it’ll take you 3 hours the first time you do something. but after doing it 3 or 4 times, the 4th time you’ll do it in 45 minutes! Like, you should try not to ‘hurry’ through your studying, you should be completely relaxed and really let things sink in when you study them to give yourself the best chance of remembering them.
Yeah the thing is you’re not gonna remember something permanently after studying it once or twice, I mean I would have revised chapters definitely over 10 times to get them really engrained in my head, it just takes a hell of a lot of perseverance and repitition I’m afraid! ๐
I’d advise reading what I’ve said above about the A4 sheets and highlighters! ๐
I’ll copy and paste it!
Right well what I think you should do is get 7 A4 sheets, one for every subject, and on each sheet write down each of the chapters/sections of the subject. And stick these sheets up on your bedroom wall or door so youโre continuously reminded of whatโs to be done.
I did this and the reason I thought it was so helpful was because as you look at these sheets, you see everything you need to know for each subject. No work gets overlooked!
Secondly, get a study diary so that you can document all the work you have done and intend to do.
Every day when deciding what to study look at these sheets and take a different chapter/section every day/2 days. Be honest with yourself, after going through a section go to the exam papers and if you can answer the exam questions then you did a good job. Once youโve covered a chapter/section mark it with a highlighter, do that for each and then go to the second round of study where you do them all again, with the same process of looking at the papers, and then mark them all again with a different colour (the same colour for each round of study)
If you want to get organised this is the way to go!
I followed this process and it worked wonders for me!
If there are any other questions Iโm happy to help!
hey. I jus have a quick question about Chemistry about marking schemes.
my teacher gives me exam questions for homework. I always base my answers on the marking schemes but he only gives me 38 or 41 out of 50.
i think my teacher can’t be bothered with marking schemes but if my answers identical to the marking schemes.should i get full marks?
Yeah if you’re giving exactly what’s required by the marking scheme then you’ve no option but to get full marks!
But like, make sure that you understand what you’re writing down, it’s dangerous to just transcribe whatever exact words you see on examinations.ie into your answer, make sure you know the full answer in your head like! Sometimes the marking schemes only indicate a certain word that’s needed in the answer to get the marks… it’s still required that you write out a sentence or definition and explain what your answer. Maybe the reason your teacher doesn’t give you full marks is that you don’t write out a full sentence or definition?
However, if you know you’re stuff and explain your answer and then just check the marking scheme to make sure you’re giving what’s required, then you deserve full marks for sure!
Good luck!
Hey Fintan….that score is unbelievable, really great job !
I have got my pres results back and I would like to know if you have any advice on how to improve them
HL English 87 A2
HL Maths 78 B2 + 25 points
HL Chemistry 91 A1
HL Biology 92 A1
HL Geography 89 A2
HL French 87 A2
OL Irish 48 ๐
Thing is I am a repeat and my pre – results were just as high as this last year and i only got 485 points ๐ . I just need to know how I can keep myself motivated cos i want med in UCC so badly !!!
They’re brilliant grades well done!
Well if you’re lookin for general study tips, here’s the approach I took! I’ll copy and paste what I wrote in one of the comments above!
Right well what I think you should do is get 7 A4 sheets, one for every subject, and on each sheet write down each of the chapters/sections of the subject. And stick these sheets up on your bedroom wall or door so youโre continuously reminded of whatโs to be done.
I did this and the reason I thought it was so helpful was because as you look at these sheets, you see everything you need to know for each subject. No work gets overlooked!
Secondly, get a study diary so that you can document all the work you have done and intend to do.
Every day when deciding what to study look at these sheets and take a different chapter/section every day/2 days. Be honest with yourself, after going through a section go to the exam papers and if you can answer the exam questions then you did a good job. Once youโve covered a chapter/section mark it with a highlighter, do that for each and then go to the second round of study where you do them all again, with the same process of looking at the papers, and then mark them all again with a different colour (the same colour for each round of study)
Motivation-wise the only advice I can give is to keep your eyes on the prize. Just remind yourself that the mocks mean nothing… they’re worthless and you haven’t actually achieved what you want yet! Nobody remembers mock results and June is what matters! I know how desirable getting into medicine is so I wish you the best of luck!
You’ve already proved you can get a great leaving cert score (pres) so use that knowledge for confidence during that fortnight in June! ๐
hey! my god, well done on the results thaats such as amazing achievement. basically,i have two months left and i havnt done anything! i got 365 in my mocks, but i need at least 480 in the real thing as i have only recently decided what i really want to do! my question is do you think this is possible if i really study my @ss off?how would you go about doing this? thanks so much if you could give me advice, i wana give this my best shot!
Of course! You can get a massive amount of work done in 2 months!
Right well what I think you should do is get 7 A4 sheets, one for every subject, and on each sheet write down each of the chapters/sections of the subject. And stick these sheets up on your bedroom wall or door so youโre continuously reminded of whatโs to be done.
I did this and the reason I thought it was so helpful was because as you look at these sheets, you see everything you need to know for each subject. No work gets overlooked!
Secondly, get a study diary so that you can document all the work you have done and intend to do.
Every day when deciding what to study look at these sheets and take a different chapter/section every day/2 days. Be honest with yourself, after going through a section go to the exam papers and if you can answer the exam questions then you did a good job. Once youโve covered a chapter/section mark it with a highlighter, do that for each and then go to the second round of study where you do them all again, with the same process of looking at the papers, and then mark them all again with a different colour (the same colour for each round of study)
I found this approach really helpful anyway.
Good luck!
Well done on your brilliant leaving results.
I was jus wondering do you know if you need to know the equations for the “anion tests” chapter in Chemistry. I don’t want to spend loads of time learnng them if I don’t have to.
Good luck with your Hpat results and everything.
Hey thanks! yup definitely the anion tests MUST be known!
At least one of them always comes up every year, if not in their own question they can come up as part of a larger question! It’s really one of those key things to study yano!
Good Luck!
thanks. Sorry 2 b botherin u again
but i’m wondering do i need 2 know the EQUATIONS for the anion tests.
Oh feck yeah sorry didn’t read your question carefully enough :S
Yeah you do need to know the equations, I know they’re a pain but they’re definitely necessary!
best of luck!
Hey, Well done on those results. That is some achievement.
I was just wondering about ag science. I only started it this year and Im really struggling with it. I thought it would be an easy subject to get an A1 in but it is my worst subject. Im thinking of learning soils, genetics and the experiments off by heart cos they come up every year on the paper but after that with the project and the rest of the paper Im still going to do so bad. I dont even know what we are expected to know for the interview?? My project is ridiculously bad too. I was wondering could u give me any tips without having to learn the whole course or is that impossible?
Hey well first of all you still have over 2 months before the exam which allows you to still do a massive amount of work! I was exactly as flustered this time last year as you are now. It’s a daunting subject cause the course is so broad and it can very often be unclear just what exactly you have to know.
So yeah definitely do those 3, also make sure you know the following really well: beef production and dairy production, sheep production and pig production, the phylums and plant families, and all of the animal biology (heart, lungs etc.). You should also know a couple of crops fairly well, barley, potatoes. silage, cereals…
Everyone’s project is different so the best advice I can give there is to have a logical, easy-to-follow structure, and know as much of your project as you can (the information you learn from your project will also help you on the day of the written exam).
Well here’s the main problem with the interview, there’s no definite, confined curriculum that you can stick to, and if there is, it’s really broad! Therefore the only solution to this problem, and you’re not gonna like this part, was to know as much about the subject as possible! One trick I used was to be really aware of the topics your teacher covers really well because they’ll most likely think that this is the stuff the class knows the best. From what I gathered from my teacher last year, the interviewer won’t try to back a student into a corner with a question that they have to have a certain answer for. They will more often than not ask an open ended question that allows the student to show them all that they know. I found this to be very true from my interview experience.
I hope this is of some help, if not you can ask me more particular questions.
Good luck!
Thank you very much! Ill take all of it on board and hope for the best! thanks again!
Hey!! Brilliant post!!
I got 525 in my mocks and I was wondering if in the amount of time that I have left could manage the A1.
Please answer soon.
B.T.W. I hope you get it in!!!!!
Hey yeah of course, that’s only 15 points away from what I got in the mocks so it’s completely possible!
Just keep doin whatever you’re doin and don’t get lazy!
hahaha by the A1 I mean 600 points!!!
Hey Fintan,
Im currently in 5th year and i really need high points, so im working hard this year, but i find it difficult to plan what i should study, im not sure how much time i should spend each night, if i should study what im currently learning or look over stuff ive already done, how many subjects i should study a night etc. Just wondering if u have any tips on study plans and how to make a good one. Thanks ๐
Right well what I think you should do is get 7 A4 sheets, one for every subject, and on each sheet write down each of the chapters/sections of the subject. And stick these sheets up on your bedroom wall or door so youโre continuously reminded of whatโs to be done.
I did this and the reason I thought it was so helpful was because as you look at these sheets, you see everything you need to know for each subject. No work gets overlooked!
Secondly, get a study diary so that you can document all the work you have done and intend to do.
Every day when deciding what to study look at these sheets and take a different chapter/section every day/2 days. Be honest with yourself, after going through a section go to the exam papers and if you can answer the exam questions then you did a good job. Once youโve covered a chapter/section mark it with a highlighter, do that for each and then go to the second round of study where you do them all again, with the same process of looking at the papers, and then mark them all again with a different colour (the same colour for each round of study)
That’s the best advice I can give cause that’s the approach I took. In 6th year I would generally try and study about 4-5 subjects a night, but that number could easily be less or more if the chapters/topics I was studying happened to be particularly short or long ones, it’s really something you have to judge yourself.
One thing I regretted not having done in 5th year is studying topics more thoroughly. I was always trying to get loads of work done every night to the point that I often went through stuff too quickly without a full grasp of it. So what I would advise is when ever you study something, study it slowly and thoroughly the first time. Spend an hour on a topic if you need to cause the fact is you still have forever before your LC. Then when you’re goin back revisin stuff in 6th year it’ll come back to you really quick and easy!
Fintin i do not know why u have this blog ! you are in the same situation as me . and u do nothing but rote learn !! your not even familiar paigets social constructive theory . hahahahah
Well to be honest I didn’t do much rote learning as I kind of had a flare for most subjects, but subjects like biology, by nature, did have a lot of learning and for people who are on this site asking me questions I just apply what knowledge I have of that kind of learning and give it to them.
Hi Fintan!
its not long now til the LC , but i’m looking to get 400 points in the leaving with 3-4 hours study a night from now on but in the Mocks i got 230, do you think it’s possible ?
i’m doing 5 honors and 2 pass subjects,
French – 28% – H
English – 55% – H
Geography 50% – H
Construction 55% – H
Biology 40% – H
Irish – 50% – P
Maths 50% – P
Of course! When you think about it you still have like 6 or 7 weeks left and if you commit to some serious study you can get a huuuge amount of work done and raise your points considerably!
Feel free to look at some of my earlier posts about study advice, especially my first reply post about french which could help you bump up that french grade!
Best of luck.
Hiii! Congrats on your results . Your help is just amazing!
I really wanna get an A1 In French, did my oral exam yesterday, Id say the examiner looked quite impressed with my accent and the subjunctives that I used as well as the conditional. I did make a few minor mistake, and I intend to study more to get the A! Any tips on how to do this?? Anything would be appreciated ๐
Hey good stuff, yeah if you threw in some conditional and subjunctive they would have been well impressed! ๐
For advice for getting the A1 you should look at my first response up at the top! If you want any other specific advice that I don’t mention there feel free to ask!
Good luck!
hey fintan,
can you please guide me on how to study chemistry.
ive done the biology course a lot of times and for my mock i got an A2, im basically sick of revising the same thing again and again, so how should i study further, ive done all the exam papers aswell. it gets kinda boring doing the same thing again and again.
and do u hav any tips for english? thanks
Right well I think that one of the most essential things you need to well in Chemistry is a solid understanding of the material. Do whatever you can to attain this, whether that means spending an hour reading something or drawing something out again and again, or alternatively searching online for videos or diagrams that help to make the concept that bit clearer.
Once you have this the next step is obviously making it all stick in you head! So to do that I think you should just do the exact same thing you’ve been doin with Biology :S As unappealing as that may sound..
Write out your experiments constantly! Make sure you know your chemistry definitions to the letter! i.e. exactly how they are in the book or exactly how your teacher tells you to know them. One thing our teacher always told us is that you won’t bluff a definition in chemistry and he was absolutely right, even if you have jist of it in your head and you think you can put it into your own words don’t do it! Learn it exactly The reason for this is that in the marking schemes there are certain words that NEED to be included or you won’t get the marks.
For Biology it sounds like you’re in the perfect position! If you’re at the point where you’re absolutely sick to the teeth of revising the same stuff over and over again, that obviously indicates that you know it inside out! No matter how tedious it may be, keep revising! because the more engrained the material is in your head, the less likely you are to forget something or get nervous or mix something up. However one thing I could advise to make it a bit more interesting is this. Take a certain chapter, and before you even look at a single page in that chapter see how much of the info you can write on a page working completely from memory. Now I don’t mean writing out all the explanatory text, I mean writing out every important definition in that chapter, drawing every diagram, explaining every important concept. Because at the end of the day if you can do that, you couldn’t possibly be better prepared!
Yeah English isnโt as straightforward cause it involves personal opinions in almost every part. Well the one definite is that you should know your poems, play and comparative really well i.e. know lots of quotes โ chiefly the really important ones that reveal stuff about characters, poetsโ emotions and stuff. And practise as often as possible by doing questions in the allocated time that you have in the exam. No point spendin 2 hours doin a question when ya only have 40 minutes on the day yano! And get them corrected! The more times you get a C for a certain type of question, the more chance you have of gettin a B and then an A the next time!.. as long as you take the advice and criticism from teachers of course
For the comprehensions and unseen poem, just practise loads of them. I know that might not sound very specific but the way to do well in them is by developing the right techniques, look at marking schemes to get an idea of what examiners want and give them exactly what they want! Then they have no choice but to give you full marks!
Best of luck.
Heyy! Good stuff with the results, Now I duno if you did ECONOMICS Butt I would honestly , realllyyy appreciate an approach to it, at this stage I don’t even think i’m going to pass the exam, and tbh thats all I need a PASS! Please gimme a few tips on how to do this! Thanksss ๐
Hey sorry for the late reply, well I didn’t do Economics myself so I can’t give you any specific advice but I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that there’s lots of learning involved..? You still have lots of time to learn so I’m gonna just give you an approach that I would recommend.
So, what I’d advise that you get a sheet or two of paper and on it write down everything you need to know, the headings like, so that when you look at these sheets you see exactly what you need to study. Then get a diary and each day take something from one of those sheets and write it in the diary and commit to studying it! You’ve more than a month left so try your best to get really stuck in and stick to a routine!
When it comes to the actual learning the key word is repetition! Drill things into your head whatever way you can, saying it with the book closed a million times writing it out a million times, whatever you need to to give yourself the feeling “I now know this.” Then once you’ve done that do every question you can find on the papers on that particular topic. If all you need is a pass then you could probably get away with leaving some stuff out, for example, certain topics that came up last year, however don’t go overboard! :L
The thing is you should try and cover every topic at least twice to give yourself a realistic chance of remembering it on the day!
Good luck!
Heyy Good stuff on yer results!! ๐
I Don’t know if you did Economics HL But Seeing as you’re advise seems to be VERY Helpful! I just wanna ask for some tips on how to study Economics, Now at this stage , I don’t think I’m even going to pass! The only chapters I have sorta studied are Factors of Production and Markets. Pleasee gimme some help! All I neeed is a PASS!
Thanks a million!! ๐
Hey sorry for the late reply, well I didnโt do Economics myself so I canโt give you any specific advice but Iโm gonna go out on a limb and guess that thereโs lots of learning involved..? You still have lots of time to learn so Iโm gonna just give you an approach that I would recommend.
So, what Iโd advise that you get a sheet or two of paper and on it write down everything you need to know, the headings like, so that when you look at these sheets you see exactly what you need to study. Then get a diary and each day take something from one of those sheets and write it in the diary and commit to studying it! Youโve more than a month left so try your best to get really stuck in and stick to a routine!
When it comes to the actual learning the key word is repetition! Drill things into your head whatever way you can, saying it with the book closed a million times writing it out a million times, whatever you need to to give yourself the feeling โI now know this.โ Then once youโve done that do every question you can find on the papers on that particular topic. If all you need is a pass then you could probably get away with leaving some stuff out, for example, certain topics that came up last year, however donโt go overboard! :L
The thing is you should try and cover every topic at least twice to give yourself a realistic chance of remembering it on the day!
Good luck!
I’m doing Higher Level Irish(new course) and I really want an A1 so at this stage I’m jus trying to perfect things and find any mistakes that I’m making.
I was doing a “cluastuiscint” the last day and I was wondering how the “Gaeilge” section is marked. Are they very strict?
I made 5 spelling/Gaelige/Grammer mistakes. Would I lose marks?
Thanks ๐
Hey good stuff that’s a great approach to have!
Well they’re not complete grammar nazis but you should definitely try to keep mistakes to a minimum! From my experience I would say that 3 mistakes or less would almost definitely get you 10 marks, 4-6 mistakes probably 9 marks. 5 mistakes isn’t bad at all in fairness. The first thing you should do is look at those exact mistakes. Try and see if there’s a trend, maybe they were mostly verb mistakes in which case another look at your verbs could really help to eliminate them.
Good luck!
I would appreciate any help on Economics, all I need is a pass! And i dont think il get that at this stage, any tips.approaches on how to study it?
Thanks a million!
Hey sorry for the late reply, well I didnโt do Economics myself so I canโt give you any specific advice but Iโm gonna go out on a limb and guess that thereโs lots of learning involved..? You still have lots of time to learn so Iโm gonna just give you an approach that I would recommend.
So, what Iโd advise that you get a sheet or two of paper and on it write down everything you need to know, the headings like, so that when you look at these sheets you see exactly what you need to study. Then get a diary and each day take something from one of those sheets and write it in the diary and commit to studying it! Youโve more than a month left so try your best to get really stuck in and stick to a routine!
When it comes to the actual learning the key word is repetition! Drill things into your head whatever way you can, saying it with the book closed a million times writing it out a million times, whatever you need to to give yourself the feeling โI now know this.โ Then once youโve done that do every question you can find on the papers on that particular topic. If all you need is a pass then you could probably get away with leaving some stuff out, for example, certain topics that came up last year, however donโt go overboard! :L
The thing is you should try and cover every topic at least twice to give yourself a realistic chance of remembering it on the day!
Good luck!
how did ur hpat go ? Stressful exam !!!
well i’m jus really gettin stuck into my poetry, i have done essay for each poet. i wanna start learnin the poems in depth now to cover me for these specfic poetry questions they have started to put on.
I’m tinkin of studyin a poem a day is this a good idea?
My teacher has covered 6 poems should i learn them all or is 4 enough?
Do u have any tips for preparing for the specific questions.
any predictions??
Hey it went really well thanks!
Yeah good idea! What I would also do is take a poet a day and just make sure you know all the important lines from all the poems you’re doin for that poet, and do this a fair few times to make sure you remember what you need to remember on the day.
I did 5 poems for each poet, each one good long poems with plenty of substancial/usable stuff. Try your best to pick poems that have lots of variety with regards to subject matter and emotions and all that stuff.
What I would do for the specific questions is read as many sample answers as you can. More than once, don’t go off learning 5 sample answers for each poet, just read and expose your brain to as many different ideas about the poets as possible, you’ll be surprised how much will stick in your head. It’s really important to be some bit different in your answers because it’s interesting ideas that’ll make the examiner sit up and listen and dish out loads of marks!
Oh and one thing you have to do if you haven’t done it already is practise doing the questions under exam time constraints. It’s massively important to get used to doing that, planning your essay – developing points. And get your answers corrected by your teacher, it’s one sure way of finding out how to improve!
Lastly, there are two methods of cutting down work which kinda serve the same purpose but are perhaps a bit less risky… every year there is an irish poet, every year there is a female poet. You could just do all the female poets, or just do all the irish poets… is it a foolproof plan? – no but I think it’s better than making predictions. Last year an english teacher in a school that I know who is well known around the area for being a great english teacher (the kind that parents ring the school to get their kids into his class) told his class that wordsworth or hopkins would come up, without a doubt, and there was no need to study anyone else, of course neither came up and all of the class were screwed. I didn’t leave anything to chance personally and it definitely helped me to do as well as I did. Almost every exam threw up something that I wasn’t expecting so predictions really aren’t a great idea! Unless of course they work out in which case they were a great idea! haha!
Best of luck!
thanks. that’s brilliant advice.
any tips on approching Hamlet and the comparative ??
should i try to learn quotes and key points every few days as well.
really gettin nervous about english..
Right well for Hamlet you should do out a bried synopsis of each scene in your own words, and when I say brief I mean really brief. As in ”act5 scene 1, hamlet and horation in graveyard, meet gravediggers with macabre sense of humour, Ham sees skull of Iorek. They see the funeral procession of Ophelia, laertes jumps into grave dramatically. Hamlet confronts him.” Do this for every scene (written out one after another in order) and read it as often as possible and this will you give you a great recollection of the running order of the play.
Also write out a few key quotes for each scene, and also read and learn them as often as possible.
So that’s a good way of knowing the play so you can answer questions that require your own original thoughts.
I would advise the same thing as the poetry with regard to sample answers. Read as many as possible, frequently, this exposure to a wide range of ideas is really benificial and lots of them will stick in your head! Also practising writing out answers in under exam time constraints is a must! Do as many as you can!
I would advise a similar approach for the comparative, but with chapters, scenes of the film/play. And you DEFINITELY need to practise writing out comparitive answers as they’re different from all other essays. Also make sure you use a comparative phrase at the start of every paragraph! It’s an absolute necessity! e.g. similarly in dancing at lunasa, or, unlike how many miles to babylon, il postino approaches the theme in a different way.. if you know what I mean?
Good luck!
Hi, just wondering if I need to use my points from maths for medicine? Trying to figure out whether it’s better to go to pass and focus on other subjects or stick it out… It definitely wouldn’t be in my top six anyway :/
Hey so if maths isn’t in your top 6 I’m 99.9 % sure you don’t get the 25 extra points so that would immediately indicate that you should consider dropping down. It would certainly give you much much more time for other subjects which of course would be a great thing!
Also remember that if you’re gonna be 550 plus in your LC points, each 5 of that extra 25 only converts to 1, so the extra points come to a tally of 5 and not 25.
Good luck with it anyway!
Thanks ๐
Hey Fintan!
Thanks for the tips on the seven sheets! Great idea! ๐ Really helped! Got them up on my wall now! ๐ Thanks again ๐
Glad to hear it, it really works!
Hi Fintan, well done and thanks for sharing all your tips. I’m doing the LC this year and currently really struggling with Music! The practical was fine but that was never my problem. I would sit down and just learn the themes but the next day I’d hear one, I’d be able to tell you what theme or section, but wouldnt have a clue which one and then not a notion of all it’s details! Q uestion 5 and 6 for me are fine. Just the set works are a nightmare, and they can ask you anything on them so I’m really terrified. How did you manage to differenciate between all the different sections in the same theme? As in Strife or Love etc. Any help would be greeat ๐
Right so your first problem seems to be deteermining which friar lawrence/strife/love theme you’re hearing i.e. 1st one 2nd one and so one, yes? So the key to overcoming this is to identify the key differences that occur in these themes every time they’re heard. For example, let’s say the theme is played on flute the first time, and played on the oboe the second time (I can’t remember exact details), so then all you need to do when hearing it is look out for those key differences.
Although you’re somewhat right in saying they can ask you anything, they’re not gonna ask trivial stuff, they’re only gonna ask you notable, significant things like name the instruments that play the theme in this extract, which theme comes next after the one you’re hearing, etc. From looking at the papers you should have a pretty good idea of the kind of questions that are asked, so when you’re studying, ask yourself, could I see this being asked in the exam?
For the set works, what my teacher did was show us what notes to write and where in each of the scores, e.g. highlighting the love theme, friar lawrence theme in different colours, noting with arrows all the other features like two note chromatic melody on the horn, all that kinda stuff.
Then I would listen to the pieces while looking at the corresponding parts of the score and after a while I kind of just saw the pages in my mind while listening to the music yano!
Try it! ๐
Hey well done on your results ๐
Was just wondering how you should study for the hpat? I know it’s an aptitude test but surely there’s a way to study for it?
Thanks ๐
Hey thanks, so for the hpat the key to preparation is improving the way you think. And it’s good that you’re asking now cause you can never start too early!
Get your hands on the practise booklets of course to familiarise yourself with the test, I’m sure a preparation course would also do no harm if you wanted to try that too.
The most important thing to do is challenge your brain cause that’s the only way you’re gonna really improve. You can’t learn anything off for the hpat (although you can become quite accustomed to the question types). One thing I did is started doing practising multiple part arithmetic calculations in my head. One thing that section 1 tests is you’re ability to hold numbers/facts in your head for a short period of time and by doing these multiple part calculations you’re improving your ability to hold multiple unrelated numbers in your head, which is sometimes needed in section 1.
Increasing your reading speed is also a good idea for section 1 and to a lesser extent for section 2. The passages in these sections can be quite long, meaning they can take a lot of time and the facts contained in these passages can sometimes be hard to remember. Speed reading is much more efficient than slower or average speed reading so it’s something I would recommend getting into! Tony Buzan has a good book on it!
Other than that, just doing all school work with speed is good. Now I don’t mean rushing through it, I mean concentrating in doing the work as quickly as you can while still maintaining maximum accuracy! Working accurately at speed is a must for all three sections and this is a good way of getting used to it.
Good luck!
Hey im doing OL maths and im trying to study a question a week, but some parts im finding easier than others, did u do every question in the papers before the exams or did you do only random ones. also how would u suggest studying for the music listening tests? atm im watching the videos and audios of the different composers on youtube but its getting a bit monotonous at this stage, any advice??
Yeah so what I would do is usually take a topic or two a week and just do all the questions in the papers for those particular topics. Then once I had them all done I’d go and do them all again! With maths you just have to do question after question yano.
For the set works, what my teacher did was show us what notes to write and where in each of the scores, e.g. highlighting the love theme, friar lawrence theme in different colours, noting with arrows all the other features like two note chromatic melody on the horn, all that kinda stuff.
Then I would listen to the pieces while looking at the corresponding parts of the score and after a while I kind of just saw the pages in my mind while listening to the music yano!
Try it!
Hey well done! How did u study for the leaving cert ? By writing things out or saying them over and over ?:)
Hey it was a bit of a mixture to be honest, and it really depended on the subjects. For example, if I was studying experiments in chemistry or biology writing them out really worked for me. But then if I was learning off certain facts like characterisitics of heterotrophs in Biology, well then I’d just kinda say them in my head.
The trick is to just see which one works best for you yano!
It’s 3 weeks until my exams begin and I’m really worried about them as I definitely haven’t studied enough. Do you have any helpful tips so that I can get the best out of my study for the coming weeks?
Right well what I think you should do is get 7 A4 sheets, one for every subject, and on each sheet write down each of the chapters/sections of the subject. And stick these sheets up on your bedroom wall or door so youโre continuously reminded of whatโs to be done.
I did this and the reason I thought it was so helpful was because as you look at these sheets, you see everything you need to know for each subject. No work gets overlooked!
Secondly, get a study diary so that you can document all the work you have done and intend to do.
Every day when deciding what to study look at these sheets and take a different chapter/section every day/2 days. Be honest with yourself, after going through a section go to the exam papers and if you can answer the exam questions then you did a good job. Once youโve covered a chapter/section mark it with a highlighter, do that for each and then go to the second round of study where you do them all again, with the same process of looking at the papers, and then mark them all again with a different colour (the same colour for each round of study)
Good luck!
At this stage last year, roughly how many hours of study were you doing a day?
Also did you take any days off in the last couple of weeks?
Hey well I would have been up to about 4 or 5 hours a night at this stage I suppose. I never bothered with this idea of gettin up at half 6 and doin 2 hours study before school or anything like that. I think it’s really important not to suddenly increase your study load dramatically up to crazy hours of cramming because it’s fairly probable that doin too much rapid cramming will mean that your brain will get too tired to retain anything.
Bottom line is to make sure the increased study you’re doin is still good quality study and not rushed skimming!
Sorry didn’t see your second question..
Yeah definitely I made sure to take regular breaks while studyin, as regular as every 20 minutes, and I remember I took pretty much the whole day before my first exam off. It does no harm to take the odd half day as well in the last 2 weeks of study, just keeps you from gettin too wrecked yano!
Congratulations on the points Fintan ๐
I’m just finishing 5th year now. I never was a person who studied, and last year had a little hiccup and lost out on almost 3/4 a year of studying, and 2 months of school, give or take (it was a bad hiccup).
I got ok results in JC, 2 A’s (H English and Art) and a smattering of B’s a C’s, probably a mixture of the practicals and that my ”hiccup” was considered in the marking, idk.
t’s the end of 5th year and I haven’t opened one book. I have wasted the last 3 hours looking up studying tips and guides, and came across this. While SOOO helpful, really, I could find nothing on Irish grammar. Every website I tried was either mostly in Irish, or the language was too complex. I ended up having a mini panic attack ๐
So, any tips for Irish grammar and vocab? I’m trying to get through leamhthuiscints, but I need Google translate for almost every word. I realize that you talked about tenses and vocab already, but it’s just… grammar. Seimhus and urus and all that.. I just can’t seem to make them stick in my brain.
Well first of all fair play for gettin motivated.
I went to the Gaeltacht myself so I was on a good footing already goin into 5th year but if I was teaching it, this is definitely what I’d advise.
Well one quick fix for you to seriously improve your grammar is to get a book called Gramadach na Gaeilge by Edel Nรญ Bhriain. If you were to get this book and go through it slowly and thoroughly and do all the exercises 4 or 5 times over, you could get yourself up to a really high standard. It has pretty much all the grammar you need to know.
However, that book isn’t completely necessary. Your first step is to seperate and write down on a piece of paper every different grammar topic you wanna know, e.g. sรฉimhiรบ, urรบ, prepositions and the rules that follow them, etc.
And get your hands on a page from anywhere, some book that does grammar, that gives you the rules for each, take each topic one at a time. Then just learn the rules really thoroughly, over and over again if you have to. Then do as much practise as you can, writing out sample sentences which require you to use the rules you’ve learned again and again. For example, let’s say you were learnin all the prepositions that require an urรบ after them, you would write out sentence after sentence , ‘tรก duilleoga faoin gcrann’ ‘tรก scian ar an mbord’. I’d say most books would have sample exercises anyway,
Hopefully this will help you make out a plan for comin to terms with it all! ๐
I am reli hoping for A1 in Biology but I’d say more than likely I’ll probably get an A2.
Do you have any advice on how I should lay out my paper coz I reli don’t wanna annoy my examiner? (Bullet points, new page for a new question)
In Section A,B and C of Biology, if you give one right answer and one wrong answer will the the wrong one cancel the right one out. My teacher told me they don’t but I think they do.
Does this same rule apply in Chem or any other subject
Thanks ๐
Hey well to be honest I never even thought about the layout of my paper. I suppose whenever a certain question required 2 or 3 different answers I’d never start a new sentence on the same line I ended another one, if ya know what I mean. And I’d always leave a line between two different parts of an answer, like a,b and c yano. Just label everything very clearly as well. I don’t think there’s any need for bullet points really, unless you like using them I suppose.
For your second question I’m just after checkin the marking scheme and saw that a wrong answer does infact cancel out a correct one for definite in section A, and sometimes in the other sections. I’d advise you have a look at the marking schemes on examinations.ie and you’ll find what you want to know.
Best of luck!
I just have a quick question about English Poetry.
I really struggle to stick to the Question in English. I have to pick out the specific words of the question e.g. honesty, simplicity and write them at the top of every page but i still can’t get higher than a B3.
When i practise writing my poetry answer,when i use these words or a word like it ,i always highlight it.
I also highlilght the stylistic features I mention.
Do you think this will annoy the examiner?
I think i need to this so i can get a B2 or B1
Well it’s good you understand the importance of stickin to the question, lots of people don’t and it’s often their downfall.
Yeah that’s not a bad idea, except maybe write them at the top of the page in pencil so you can rub them out cause they might confuse the examiner.
Why, out of interest, do you highlight the words?
If it’s to make sure the examiner can see it, you don’t have to worry. It’s absolutely drilled into the examiners that they have to look out for the words in the question, put a little mark beside it and count how many times you’ve used those words when marking your answer, so I’d say you’re safe enough in that respect.
well i really do it so i can ensure i stick to the question.
like for example, i highlight the stylistic features in yellow and the words relating to the specifics in the question in pink.
so if i am writing away and look and see i have mentioned any stylidtic features on this page of my answer then i can do . so basically it makes sure that i stick to the question and not forget about stylistic features.
I really want to know if this will annoy the examiner ?????
sorry i don’t know if that’s really clear???????????
what i meant to say when i am writing my anwers , i highlight the stylistic features and the specifics of the question in different colours as i go along.
so when i am writing my answers in exam conditions , i can see from the paragraph if i stuck to the question and remembered to add in some stylistic features. if there is nothing highlighted in the paragraph then i know i have to get focused on the question and discuss stylistic features. i highlight for my use, not the examiner.
do you think this will annoy them?????
my english teacher doesn’t mind !!!!!!!!!!!!!
how did you do your english paper 2 just out of curiousty.
i am thinkin of startin with the comparitive as it carries the most marks.
i hope i don’t run out of time for paper 2.
Right no I really don’t think it would annoy the examiner, if anything it’ll help them do a better job correcting your paper cause they’ll be so aware that you’re answering the question asked yano.
I’m pretty sure I did hamlet, comparative and then poetry. However I timed my paper terribly and ended up havin way too little time for my poetry, and less than I would have wanted for the comparative. I know it’s a clichรฉ to say but really, you need to keep such a close eye on the timing, I had practised it lots but then for some reason on the day I was careless.
Whatever format you wanna do just go with it and don’t change it because other people say so.
Best of luck
Did you feel unprepared before the exam. I’m doing a lot of study but still feel very unprepared two weeks from my exam.
Of course! ๐
And that’s the best thing you can feel right now! It’s gonna ensure you keep working and don’t get lazy.
However, on the day do whatever you can to adopt a really positive mood. As a great english teacher once told me, exams are all about psychology. So make sure you’re feelin great on the day!
Good luck!
just wondering do you have any tips on studying for french comprehensions ??. is it better to practise doing them in the exam papers or do a few and take out all the vocab i don’t know.
in the mocks i got 42 out of 60 in both of them.
but i haven’t really done much from the mocks in that section coz i was studying for my oral.
now i can only get around the 30s.i’d say i’m really out of practice but french is my 7th honour so i don’t like to give it too much time.
i am also really confused about when to quote from the text for an answer or when to manipulate? my teacher didn’t really cover that .Are you only deducted for excess when it says it under that part, for example 5(ii) deduct -1 for excess material.
how did you approach the paper ?comprehensions or reactions first? what was your timing scheme?
Hey yeah both of those are important. Make sure you’ve done every single comprehension you can get your hands on, especially the old ones cause they’re often that bit harder. And taking out the vocab is prob the most important thing. Do everything you can to just cram in as much vocab as much as you can. Have a massive section of it at the back of your copy and go over it as often as you can.
Well it’s all about the word used in the question. I’m afraid I can’t remember them exactly, you’ll have to ask your teacher or someone else in your class. I remember, for example, that citez and relevez mean that you can take the exact sentence straight out. But if it doesn’t have a verb that tells you to do that then you have to manipulate the information. I’d advise having a look at the marking schemes to find exactly what you want to know.
This is a good approach to timing,
comp 1 35 mins
comp 2 35 mins
essay 1 25 minutes
essay 2,3,4 20 minutes
15 or so for looking over and finding and fixing mistakes.
Good luck!
Do you think I would get away with only learning 4 poems for each poet in English.
I am really only starting to revise now even though i have written a sample answer on each and will probably only get enough time to study 4 poems for each of my 5 poets.
this sound a bit risky but everyone else in my school is only learning Heaney and Plath because they’re the predictions and also Rich because she died in january or february,
so to learn 4 for each, i think i’ll be doing well.
what do you think???
Should i glance at a 5th or 6th just in case.
my teacher covered 6 in class.
You would be hard pressed to get a fully substancial answer that the examiner deems sufficient with just 4. Not impossible, but tough. I’d advise doing 5 for each. The thing is, if you don’t have the time to cover it in depth, just have a few quotes and know what the poem was about. Just mentioning a fifth is better than only having 4.
However I’d advise you definitely do more than 2 poets. I had 5. Last year a certain class I knew studied no poet except wordsworth and hopkins, they were told it was 100% definite one of them would come up, so I really wouldn’t advise doin that.
Best of luck anyway.
Tom, I know this is not my thread but you really should be using 5 poems in your poetry answer for top marks, the examiner wants to see that you have a broad knowledge & understanding on the work of the named poet. fyi the exam papers were well printed before Rich died.
p.s AMAZING tips on here Fintan. Great work! I hope everything works out for you with med, well deserved ๐
Well Fintan, first of you are a total LEGEND! Now I’m in sixth year and I always did very well before in subjects like Business, French, Geography, Maths (94, 90, 96 and 80 respectively in the mocks). What I’m going for is the Law and French Law in UCD as I love French. However, I got 520 points in the mocks which made me feel pretty comfortable about myself and started to lounge about it.
Now, the Leaving Cert has come and although I did a reasonable amount of study, it wasn’t very productive. Now it has become really hard for me to get everything done and I’m really starting to freak out. I have even been considering repeating. Advice?
Right well first of all that 520 should be massive encouragement as it’s a great mocks score. I’d imagine you’d get your course with those points.?
Only allow the idea of repeating into your head if its effect is to lessen the pressure and make you feel less stressed in your exams. Make sure it doesn’t make you lazy!
You must know an awful lot if you got 520 so think about it as just maintaining that same impressive level of knowledge. The only way you’re gonna make sure you get everything done is by organising it all really well. Down to the minute! Write down on a piece of paper (one for each subject) every topic you need to cover in that subject. Then get a diary and organise all of that into a scheduele leading up to your exams. This way you’ll make sure nothing gets overlooked!
Good luck!
Yeah I have done that because I was looking at the advice you gave others. However, it is still hard to get everything done during the minimal time left. How many poets did you study you study? I know Larkin but to make sure, I’ll study either Heaney or Plath as well. Did you learn off anything for English? How did you study so well for your Irish essays? I know I did well in the mocks but I have not done much since. To be honest, I’m feeling very despondent now.
Hey sorry for the last minute response, don’t know if you’ll see this in time for english paper 2.. :S
I had 5 poets and I didn’t learn anything off, I knew the poems very well and I took time to form some really original strong opinions about the poems, which is what the examiner wants!
For Irish I was fairly fluent as I had went to the gaeltacht alot of times. Because of that I didn’t really learn essays off. What I would recommend if you wanna go down that route however is to just to have lots of general phrases that you can insert into any essay whatsoever no matter what the topic. ‘Is scรฉal conspรณideach รฉ an scรฉal seo’ for example. You can get a substancial opening and closing paragraph using those kind of phrases and just inserting the subject matter periodically. Other than that, because you don’t have loads of time, maybe look at the topics that are predicted to come up and learn off some nice paragraphs on them.
Well you really shouldn’t! A positive attitude is a must for doing well in exams so if there’s one thing you should do it’s to feel confident!
Hi Fintan.
I am just finished T.Y now and I am going into 5th year in September. I really want to start the year as I mean to go on by studying each night which will make the load much smaller for 6th year.
I was just wondering on top of the usual 3hr homework how many hours on top of that would be acceptable to study for each night….I’m afraid I may burn myself out too quickly!
I was also wondering did you use any study books? If so which would you recommend…revise wise or less stress more success.
Thanks a mill and well done on your 600pts! I hope I can aim like you and get the results as I would love to do dentistry in trinity.
Thanks for your time as I know this is a long message
Right Chloe fair play that’s the way to approach it!
The best possible advice I can give for 5th year is to realise just how much time you have… absolutely ages! So you need to use that to your advantage. The mistake I made in 5th year was studying things too quickly, as if I was in some kind of a hurry or something, which was silly.
So what I would advise is to study everything really thoroughly, even if you just take one or two different topics a night and really really study them, making sure you understand and can recall them absolutely perfectly.
The key to optimising your 5th year is laying really strong foundations for 6th year. Because no matter how well you study something in 5th year you’re still gonna have to revise it regularly in 6th year to keep it fresh in your mind, and the more thorough and and concrete you have something done in 5th year the easier it’ll be to go back and revise it in 6th year. So much so, that it’ll just be a case of rhyming off the various points of the particular topic you’re revising.
I can’t really name a certain time period you have to spend, only you will really know how long you have to spend in order to know what you need to know thoroughly enough.
I didn’t really use study books, instead I just did whatever I needed to do in order to get the most accurate and course-based notes i could. Whether that meant getting onto a cousin who had a certain teacher 2 years ago, a friend who had a certain teacher etc. Study books can have some pretty gaping holes sometimes, if you do end up using one make sure it was recommended by someone who knows what they’re talking about.
Also I would really recommend looking at the posts I have above about the study diary, 7 A4 sheets etc. If you get a good system in place you’ll already be closer to getting into dentistry.
Best of luck.
hello fintan,
im 6th year student from liiiimerick citaaaay. i am currently having a major problem studying for my leaving.
whilst boating in kilalloe last friday night i had an incident. i was fool acting and let off a flare,unfortunately the flare hit the mast,hit me in the face and now i have a corneal deficiency(the corner of my eye is boloxed). i also detached both my retinas and burnt my eyelashes…i went over to st.johns in an ambulance bus where i was givin medical assistance. i now cannot see and am doubtful for wednesday.
i need your help,what shud i do in order to get 600points now?i have a poor knoledge of brail and am deaf in both ears,i communicate with my mother thelapathically and when im hungry my nipples erect themselves.im am currently typing by the smell off the keyboard..the letters play on my heartstrings and i also have a dose of the shakes as i was a crack baby in the 90s.shud i do the leavin and will i get 600 points?
senan, ๐
hey for honours english i usually get a C1 and im happy with that because im alot better in other subjects. I’m grand with poetry and the single text as i get close enuff to the full marks for each but im really stuck on the comparative. That’s what brings me down and i was wondering do you have any advice that could improve my comparative and therefore bring my grade up to a B? I am fine with theme and isuue but I can’t understand G.V.V at all… I don’t know how to apply iut to my texts. can you help please? paper 2 is thursday :/ i have it all studied just extra info would be a great help!
Hi im repeating my Leaving this year..About french i really need to get a B..Iv been gettin Cs for the last 2 years:( any advice?..
hello ๐ congrats on your 600 point :)… im doing the LC at the moment and want help in Biology… see its tomorrow and im lost… what do i study in honours! i need a quick pass in less then 24hrs!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐
What can is study that is a garuntee me at least a D3 that come up every year?
Thanks ๐
Dear Fintan,
Firstly i sincerely congratulate you on your results! I could only dream of them.
I’m just getting worried because from reading your comments, it seems that working hard in 5th year was nessecary but the problem is that I did not study very much in 5th year. I just did homework and such, and only occasional study for class tests. and now i’m worried it will reflect….
do you think this is a disadvantage to getting high marks in the leaving cert? or is it possible that working alot from the beginning of 6th year can turn around my misfortune? haha.
Best wishes,
Hey Mia yeah don’t worry about studying in 5th year, it can be helpful, but at the same time I know people who did the whole leaving cert in one year and got 600 points so don’t worry about it.
You have pretty much a whole year before you do your LC which is more than enough time to do really well.
All you need is a good system that starts in september ( even earlier if you want). I’d recommend reading my earlier posts about having a study diary and having 7 A4 sheets on your bedroom door and all that stuff, it’s really helpful.
Good luck!
i’m planning on repeating this year. I took a gap year to work and to see what I really want to do. I didn’t do so well last year in my leaving cert. Aiming for 500 points this year. Is that quite possible or am I on craic?
need your opinion.
Hi Fintan,
Just wondering if you could give me any tips for music.. I’ve been looking over my essays on Irish music from fifth year and they aren’t great, I was wondering if you have any sample essays on the main ones like the Harping Tradition and Turlough O’Carolan, Sean-nรณs singing (features and regional styles) and Ornamentation, Irish Music and Edward Bunting, Seรกn ร Riada etc.. I had all of these done but they got on average about 6/10 and I don’t know why when I named players and songs.
Thanks a mil.
I apologise, I didn’t see this till now. Hopefully you’ll see this before the exam!
I’m afraid I don’t have any samples at this stage. However, I can tell you two things that, if you include them in your essay, you should definitely score higher than 6 out of 10!
The first is to use plenty of musical examples. As in, when you make a point give an example of that point. For example, if you were to write about ornamentation in sean nos singing, you would go to the rough work stave in the answer book (while indicating to the examiner that your example was in that part of the answer book) and write out the notes as they normally are/without ornamentation, and then the notes with the ornamentation, if you know what I mean. I can’t stress enough the importance of these examples.
The second piece of advice, probably the most important piece is that you have to make sure that each sentence you write has a significant piece of information in it.
Sean nos singing is a highly ornamented singing form, is traditionally sung in Irish and hails from the gaeltacht areas of Ireland.
and not-
Sean nos singing comes from Ireland and has been around for many years.
The difference there is that anyone at all could write the second sentence, but you have to actually know your stuff to write the first sentence.
The examiners are extremely wary of candidates who chance their arm writing very vague general sentences in an attempt to score easy marks. To score 8 out of 10 upwards you have to absolutely jam-pack your essay with factual, significant information, as well as giving lots of relevant examples.
It’s a shame you only have a day to try and implement this info before your exam, still though, there’s alot can be done in 5 or 6 hours of study – try your best!
Good luck!!
hey fintan ๐ i think the results you got are much deserved!! I am currently on my summer holidays after 5th year. I worked well up until Christmas but then i began slacking because I was tired and I had a job over the weekend so I didn’t have much time to study. I really want to do well in the Leaving. I am aiming for 510 points. I really do think that this is achievable but I have a few questions for you.
*Do you think I should study during the summer?
*How did you manage to learn quotes for English?
*Did you do supervised study after school?
*How did you keep calm during the Irish/French orals?
Thanks ๐
Hey well I wouldn’t say studying during the summer is exactly necessary but at the same time if you’re feeling ambitious and you want to get a headstart, it could definitely be a good idea ๐
Ah just repitition really. I mean a random medieval english quote usually isn’t gonna stick in your head permanently after reading it once, so ya just gotta jam it in again and again :L (same goes for poetry and comparative). There are some things that can make the process easier however.. For example, what I did is go through the whole play and pick all the quotes that I liked or thought was worth learning and just wrote them on sheets of paper scene by scene, just 5 or 6 pages of quotes basically, which you can look over conveniently and regularly. Also, forming an opinion about a particular quote is often helpful.. so let’s say you learn a certain quote, have something to say about it, that it reveals something about a character etc. etc.
No I can safely say I would have hated staying in school after hours. I had a really comfortable set-up at home anyway with a nice leather chair and speakers, which I would highly advise you to do yourself, it makes going down to your room studying much more appealing.
Well for Irish I was fairly fluent as I had went to the gaeltacht a few times and really liked the language, so I was almost lookin forward to that one.
With french, I wasn’t quite as laid back but I suppose just knowing that you did everything you could to prepare really well was a good confidence boost.
Good Luck!
hey fintan,
so all of fifth year I didn’t really pay attention in biology because we had a bad teacher and I didn’t really like her. I need to get about 550 points in the leaving cert 2013 so I’ll need all the help I can get. I’m also quite bad at geography and french so if you have any tips on them they would be great.
Like grace(above) I have a weekend job, so I don’t have too much time to study. I don’t have a study plan, so if you could help me with that too it would be great!
thanks so much!
Sure. Yeah for french what you should do is look at the very first question I answered, that has pretty much my best advice. I didn’t do Geography I’m afraid so I don’t think I can really advise on that.
Right well what I think you should do is get 7 A4 sheets, one for every subject, and on each sheet write down each of the chapters/sections of the subject. And stick these sheets up on your bedroom wall or door so youโre continuously reminded of whatโs to be done.
I did this and the reason I thought it was so helpful was because as you look at these sheets, you see everything you need to know for each subject. No work gets overlooked!
Secondly, get a study diary so that you can document all the work you have done and intend to do.
Every day when deciding what to study look at these sheets and take a different chapter/section every day/2 days. Be honest with yourself, after going through a section go to the exam papers and if you can answer the exam questions then you did a good job. Once youโve covered a chapter/section mark it with a highlighter, do that for each and then go to the second round of study where you do them all again, with the same process of looking at the papers, and then mark them all again with a different colour (the same colour for each round of study)
If you want to get organised this is the way to go!
Good luck!
Hi Fintan,
Well done on your 600 points, can I just say, WOW!! ๐
Just before when you were talking about your French and Irish orals you said you you wrote out answers to the “most commonly asked questions”, it might be a bit of a stupid question but is there a list of commonly asked questions somewhere online or in a book?
Thanks ๐
Yeah well the most commonly asked questions are the ones that your teachers will almost certainly prepare with you. I’m talkin about the likes of family, school, hobbies, hometown, health service, government, the recession.
There’s not really a definite list of them but as I said they’ll definitely be prepared with you. If not however, and you can’t find them in your school book, you can just send me another message on this and I’ll help you out.
Good luck!
Hi Fintan,
Congrats on your results, that is my goal! I am going into sixth year in September and I have always said that I will study in July and August this summer, revise what I did in fifth year, try do the exam questions that I have covered. I just want to know if you studied in the summer before sixth year and if so, do you have any tips?
I find the a4 sheet thing very interesting and am about to do that for each subject and also the study diary. Thank you so much for sharing your studying tips, you are very generous!
Hey well to be honest I didn’t like the idea of studying during the summer so I can’t say I did. It’s a great idea though, and what you’ve planned with regards to revising and doing exam questions sounds great. What you could also try is to maybe get a headstart with some 6th year stuff, maybe get reading some poems you haven’t done yet or re-reading your single text, making out little summaries and stuff, lots of possibilities like.
Even moreso what I would advise is to target any particular weaknesses you might have. Let’s say you’re not very fluent speaking french, get practising it. Just talk to yourself in french, describing stuff, thinking out loud.. after a while you start to see a great improvement.
Great stuff it works a treat!
Hi Fintan.
I have just finishedc3rd year going into 5th in september but i want to start well. I read above that you said you studied over the days off, did that include the mid-terms in 5th year? Also, did you do any study during the summer of 5th and 6th year?
Did I say that? :S I suppose I did sometimes but I mean you need to take breaks as well. For example, even in 6th year, during Easter I took a good few days off, then when I went back I felt a renewed enthusiasm for it.
As I said above I didn’t really do much during the summer but what I would advise if you plan on doing it is to just target any particular weakness you may have, and do you best to get rid of it. Let’s say you find Irish comprehensions hard, spend lots of time reading Irish and learning lots of vocabulary/verbs/tenses, all that stuff.
Good luck with it.
Hi, I just finished 5th year and unfortunately awaiting 6th year. To be quite honest I am not hoping for 600 points because i just don’t feel like i need that much. However in 5th year I feel like I didn’t really do enough. i did all my homework and studied before tests, the only subject i tried really hard in was Chemistry because I find it so hard and am still only getting C’s..people say that Chemistry becomes easier in 6th year…?
Anyway, am i totally screwed because i didn’t do three hours a night….?
Hmm, some parts are easier some parts are harder, I wouldn’t say it gets altogether easier tbh.
Ha no not all. Look, people have got 600 points from doing the whole thing in one year so you already have a headstart on them. Just start with your best foot forward next year!
Hi firstly well done ๐ I’m in 5th year and going into leaving cert in September. I did homework and bits of study but nothing major. I’m not looking to get 600 points but I would love to get 450-500 points but it looks a bit out of reach. Is there any hope of it? I didn’t do to well in the summer tests but I didn’t study for them what so ever. My languages are my worst and I’m consistently getting Cs and Ds in Irish English and German. I find it really hard to retain information. Id have the chapter learnt and if I read it next week it’s like I never read it. Just wondering is do you have any tips on being able to retain information for long periods of time? Any other advice? I woke up today in a panic about the leaving cert as tests aren’t really my thing!! Thanks ๐
Hey haha yes there’s plenty hope of that happenin, lots of people don’t even get a fifth year, they do it all in one year and do very well!
Right so that’s a problem I had constantly, retaining all that random information can be very hard, even moreso when you’ve no interest in it! I think repetition is really the key. You need to keep re-inserting the information into your head until it sticks, some things will easily stick the first time, other topics you’ll need to revise loads of times in order to retain it. Some people write it down, others close the book and say it to themselves 10 times, you need to find out what works for you.
With regards to irish and german I would advise using your summer wisely. Get looking at the most commonly asked oral questions – hobbies, hometown, family, all that stuff and start practising for them now, writing out answers and stuff. One great tip that I would advise is to sit down every day, giving yourself 10 minutes for each language, and just trying to think in that language. Describing what’s in front of you, what you did earlier, what you’re gonna do later, anything at all. At first it’s gonna be hard, but bit by bit you’ll find yourself becoming more and more fluent and this will all do wonders for your verbs vocabulary grammar everything.
Hope this helps
Hi, I am just wondering do you know how many points you need to get in your leaving to do the Animal Science – Equine course ?:)
Hey looks like about 420.
Hey Fintan! Would just like to say that I think I can speak on behalf of everyone here that we are very grateful for your advice and support. It’s such a cool thing to do and be so helpful!
I’m sorta in the same situation as the girl above…I didn’t put in my full effort for 5th year and unfortunately I got a D in Chemistry :/
I really want to improve drastically for the Leaving Cert and get as many points as possible for medicine too. Is there hope for me? I just find Chem quite hard, what way should I go about studying it?
Also, did you apply for medicine in the UK? If so what universities would you advice to apply for? (Easier one’s to get into haha)
Thanks so much!!
Glad to help.
Yeah there’s buckets of hope! Just set about getting a good study regime in, either now or in september, and you can make great progress.
The best advice I can give for Chemistry is to make sure you understand each topic really well. Now this is easier said than done but you just have to do whatever you have to do in order to gain that understanding. It might mean looking up videos on youtube, looking up websites that have good explanations of concepts, getting good notes from somebody, whatever it takes. And that’s the hard part. All you have to do then is revise it regularly to make it stick. Practise your calculations and writing out experiments regularly too. Writing out the different parts of a concept was something I found very helpful, the different steps in free radical ionisation etc.
Yeah applying to the UK is a good idea, if not a complete nuisance, it’s only when you go through the sickening steps of a UCAS application that you start to appreciate the convenience and simplicity of the CAO!
I applied to Queens in Belfast this year and was offered a place, I took it incase the hpat didn’t go well but it did so I don’t think I’ll be headin to Belfast. It’s a good place to apply to though as it’s still in Ireland. Apart from that, bristol and birmingham have no aptitude tests which might be appealing, I’m not so sure which ones are easier to get into, best research it!
Hey Fintan, well done on that excellent result and thanks for giving very useful advice!
I am going to repeat in an institute and I am thinking of taking up two subjects – replacing history and art. I am going to take up Chemistry and Agricultural Acience as they are more similar to what I want to do in college. Chemistry is a requiremtn (HC3).
I am just wondering would it be possible to do well in both of these in just the one year? (minimum HC3 in Chem and maybe a high B or an A in Ag Science?
Also, to five myself some more time, where should I start right now – Juky/August- what should I start on and learn?
By the way, the institute I am going to go to does each subject in one year.
Hey Fintan,
I’m going to be repeating in September and I really need some advice on Ag. science, I won’t be doing maths and Irish because I think I could squeeze more points out of taking up an easier subject. I’m quite good at biology and I heard that helps, but I’m really gunning for an A1 in the subject I take up, is it doable with Ag. science in a year and how would you recommend I completely cover myself for the exam? Could you reply to me by email, I don’t know if I’ll be notified here if you reply, it’s [email protected]
Thanks and sorry for the bother! ๐
Hey there!!!! Well done on your LC!!!! I’m going into sixth year now.. And I really want to be a doctor… I have always wanted to but I never really worked for it… I got all honours in the jc… But no As ๐ I did pretty well in my 5th year christmas but not so great in the summer .. I was wondering do I I have any hope for the leaving cert or should I just give up?? I have started revising the 5th year course now.. I wanted to also ask did you apply in the uk? I completely forgot about it.. :O and how did you study for English.. I got 47% in the summer I’m so disappointed… ๐ thanks and well done !!!!
Alright well first yeah you have tons of hope if you go about it in the right way.
Yeah I applied to a few universities in England and and also Queen’s in Belfast and was accepted there, it’s definitely a good idea, it can help really relieve some of the pressure of the hpat!
Yeah English isnโt as straightforward cause it involves personal opinions in almost every part. Well the one definite is that you should know your poems, play and comparative really well i.e. know lots of quotes โ chiefly the really important ones that reveal stuff about characters, poetsโ emotions and stuff. And practise as often as possible by doing questions in the allocated time that you have in the exam. No point spendin 2 hours doin a question when ya only have 40 minutes on the day yano! And get them corrected! The more times you get a C for a certain type of question, the more chance you have of gettin a B and then an A the next time!.. as long as you take the advice and criticism from teachers of course
For the comprehensions and unseen poem, just practise loads of them. I know that might not sound very specific but the way to do well in them is by developing the right techniques, look at marking schemes to get an idea of what examiners want and give them exactly what they want! Then they have no choice but to give you full marks!
Good luck
Hey yeah definitely a year is more than enough time.
If you’re gonna start studying now then it doesn’t really matter what you study, as long as it’s important to the syllabus.. you’re instantly at an advantage I suppose as most people won’t be studying yet.
Yeah the institute could probably do the whole leaving cert in 6 months if they wanted, so you’ll be in good hands!
Oh k.. So do u think ill have a chance of getting medicine?? And im so sorry about this but could you tell me how many hours I should put in each day during 6th year
Thanks Fintan. Yeah, I Started and will put in more hours starting today!
Of course, if you get organised it’s completely achievable!
I’m afraid I can’t tell you that, it’s really important that you develop the ability to assess how well you know what you’ve been studying and whether or not you need to go back over it again. However, I can’t see anything under 3 hours being sufficient to be honest… unless you’ve fantastic retention capabilities!
Hey Fintan,
Hoping to make it into medicine after the leaving cert, I have a few questions id like to ask.
Atm, I have a horrible english teacher Mr.Walsh as you know him, Im just wondering how you managed to get by in english with him.
Secondly do you recommend studying in summer? Did you?
Last question how did you go about preparing for the Hpat this year and last, im presuming you have done better this year, can you give me some tips?
Thanks a mil
Hey Fintan fair play with your amazing results! I’m just going into 5th year and i have always wanted to study pharmacy. Anyways i must pick subjects…I’m definately doing English(h) Irish(h) maths (o) french(h) biology(h) chemestry (h) what other subject would you reccomend i was considerig accounting(h) or? and would you advice me to do biolody and chemesrty i am willing to work hard but im just afraid that i wont understand the material in chem and will end up regretting it! Thanks in advance x
Hey Fintan,
I have the infamous Francy for English in 5th year, I’m ashtonished that you got an A with him, any advice? It’s painfully hard ..
I’m another one of the medicine hopefuls, and i was just wondering if you have any advice on the Hpat exam? You did it twice i see, how did you improve from the first time?
Last question ๐ Do you think its a good idea studying during summer? Did you?
Thanks a mil ๐
I was just wondering how did you study, what was your technique?
Hello Fintan
i just want to know how much study did u put in 5th and 6th and what study did u do for the junior cert
and did u get medicine the first time or did u repeat your leaving cert !!!
Hi, just wondering do you have your notes for sale? Thanks.
Hi Fintan ๐ I did the Leaving Cert Applied two years ago, why? I don’t know! It all comes down to laziness i suppose. I am gutted about the decisions I have made and I want a second chance, a chance to do better and do the proper Leaving. Could you give me any advice? Any at all? On how to prepare myself and how to get focused? ๐
Hi just thought what your doing is really incredible and you should get much more credit for it, I really hope your enjoying your medicine course and I’m sorry for bothering you but would you have any key phrases to learn for the honors Irish course, just phrases that can be twisted or used for any of the prรณs ๐ thanks a million I’d really appreciate it if you could get back to me, if not I understand ๐
Hey! First of all congrats dude, well done! 600 points is amazing!
I’m in fifth year right now. I’m really bad at french, it’s my worst subject. I had a pretty bad teacher for JC. I’m not looking for any where near an A1 or anything but maybe a B3 – C1 ? Any advice on what to learn and how to get it in my head?
Secondly Chemistry. We’re on the chap.5 atm and we’ve had 3 tests so far and I’ve got B’s in all. I really want an A1 – A2 in the LC so any advice there ?
Thank you so much for posting up great advice and congrats again ๐
Hey fintan ๐
Firstly congratulations on the fantastic results!
I just have a question regarding the french oral. I was wondering how you practised your pronunciation? Did you use a website or cd ? want to perfect it !
Hey fintan … Really need your help!! I cant. For the life me get motivated to do any study what so ever! I really want a good leaving certand go to college but im so lazy.. And nobody seems to understand..
Although your information above was really helpful everyone seems to be in a completely different situation than me. Please help me i am completely fed up ๐
Hey Fintan ๐
Big congratulations on your results ๐
I was just wondering if your interested in selling you biology & chemistry & English notes ?
If so how much would you want for them ?
I’m currently in 5th year but am already thinking of college options (premature, much??) but I’m just wondering, like, when you got your 600 points (well done BTW!) did you get offers/make applications for any international colleges?? like in the US or UK? My neighbour also got the 600, and she had like interviews for Cambridge and stuff, so I was just wondering whether that’s the same for everyone with max. points?
Thanks a mil!
Hey, Well done by the way, excellent grades:) What’s ur opinion on my results?:p
English 77% – B2
Irish 83% -B1
Mathematics 85% – A2
History 93% – A1
Spanish 94% – A1
Business 100% – A1
Science 97% – A1
T.G. 90% -A1
CSPE 98% – A1
Religion 96% – A1
Geography 77% – B2
*All Junior Cert Higher Level – 2nd Year:)
hi, i havent started studying yet and my mocks is in two weeks (forgot about that over the christmas break). ive been slacking off & taking the LC for granted. im a fast learner but when it comes to writing down all the things i studied it takes a long time. i finish my homework around 7/8 & my teachers tells us to study the chapter we are currently doing but i also want to study the chapters i was suppose to study for the christmas exams. i honestly have no time to study for them & i lose concentration by 9pm. this is stressing me out ( and i had that coming before and i know its my fault), please help me how i can manage all this ๐ i want to be able to study most chapters before the mocks ๐
hey fintan! was wondering are u still selling those ag science notes? It’s so hard to find good notes for ag!
I am currently doing my Mocks now! I am literally going to do terrible especially in my three science subjects because i just donโt have the study done after Christmas and all. I was just wondering will I be able to pick up the pace with 4 months left. Please share your opinions thanks!
Hi well done on your excellent results,
I am just wondering what did you do help you listening for irish?
Thanking you
wow you my friend are one focused dude!
okay soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
biology and ag…..
i will buy your notes!
help a girl out ;] lol ๐
i was just wongering can you do higher level irish outside of school cause i really want to be a primary school teacher
neil ๐
Hi we’ll done on your results. Em I was just wondering in order to do accounting for my leaving certificate, is it necessary to have done paper 2 question 1 of the junior cert business course? Also is accounting an easy A , or is business easier?
I need some help on the comparative study as it’s really stressing me out.
Thank you.
Hey! Just wondering would a French speaking college be good for the listening/oral and most importantly written? Had to pick between Gaelteacht and French college but picked french becasue I believe I will work much harder at it as it is one of my favourite subjects, along with a brilliant teacher. I currently get B1s in my oral. I’m in fifth year and we have ten minute oral exams every so often to ensure we’re keeping on top of it. I can safely say I talk fluently to my teacher and do not hesitate upon answering questions. Yet I’m not sure if she is marking me extremely difficult or if I’m not actually that good at it. I learn off essays aswell as being able to asnwer question asked example my opinion on mixed education.
Any help? Really pushing for the A1 and working my ass off, can’t seem to reach it!
Hey fintan, firstly I think its great ur giving advice and tips, most A students ‘don’t study’ so they would like us to believe anyway,so thanks so much! Weirdly enough I seem to have the identical study regime as you but I fell so wrecked everyday and find it difficult to study I’m so tired, any advice?
With regards to English essay writing, how did u tackle that question? Are you suppose to have a few essays in your head learned and mould them in to a title or do you go blank canvas and pray that you’ll get creative inspiration the day of the exam?
hi i just wanted to know how much marks do yhu loose for writing in the wrong tense for the journal intime 4 d french lc exam
Hi there Fintan!:)
Can i just ask, for you too get that amazing number of points did you go over the whole course in each subject a couple of times and how many? I would like to know.
Thanks a million! ๐
Hi Fintan , I would like to ask you your opinion on points. I worked hard all through fifth year and I didn’t do as well as I taught I would in my summer test, I only managed to get C’S and B’S , some of which where in subject’s I usually get A1’s in . I am very disappointed in those results as I am aiming for mid 500 in my leaving next year. Is it possible to jump from C’s to A’S in subjects in a year ?, especially in English , French and Irish and have you any advice for those subjects to do so.
Thank you ๐
well done on your l.c … thanks a lot for help and advice… really inspiring
just have one question..i want to do the hpat for this year and have no idea what books or stuff to get.. i read that you mentioned books from ACER and stuff but i have no idea about anything relating to hpat .. please let me know what books are available.. mary ๐
I’m looking to do vet med at 580 points in UCD, im only going into 6th year now but I’m so stressed out.. For my 5th year summer grades I got 440 points. I do ordinary level maths and Irish so I’m not counting on them but I was wondering if you have any advice on getting an A1 in ag. science? I feel hopeless with my other subjects even though I got high enough points, it’s not enough for vet med… I study hard and know a lot of the material but when it comes to exam time, my hard work just doesn’t pay off… any advice? ๐ thanks
can you still do well in the leaving cert even though you didnt do to well in 5th year??? ๐
Hey, really would appreciate your help! I wanted to study primary teaching this year but didn’t get the points so my next choice is liberal arts so eventually I could become a primary school teacher. It’s just before I accept my offer I’m worried I may struggle with the Irish in the arts course. Do you think if I put in the work I would be ok?
Hey well done with your results and good luck in medicine ! I want to go on and do nursing and I need 450 points I was wondering how did u get an A in biology ! I am failing Maths but I want to do higher level because u get higher points in higher level ! I would be lucky to get a pass in Irish and Maths higher level which means that’s a 90 points already so that’s 360 left to get which means an A (90) points in each other 4 subjects biology home economics English and geography ! And I’m not that smart I need help !!!
could help me out by giving me tips in how to study proper for honors history french biology and irish thanks man :))
Okay so heres my query!completed my leaving cert in year gone by 2013 and wasnt particallary happy so was thinking of repeating but not in school as an external canidate from home i wish to sit Biology,Geography,Ag Science,Bussiness,Maths and Lcvp all higher except maths but heres my problem for ag science and geog it requires project and course work that needs to be signed off by your teacher however if im not in school what can i do here?i was wondering if anyone knows what i can do here?i scored very well in my ag science and geog projects and even got called in for the ag science interview by the examiner 1 of 4 chosen out of a class of 25 in the year just gone by il have no problem getting to sit the exam in my old school as i know the vice principle pretty well also my geography and ag science teachers in the school and lcvp i all know outside school as they live in the same village as me i also got grinds off my geog and ag sci teacher last year so they know me very well.Would i be able to use my projects from last year which were succesfull and sit the exams and not lose marks for no project work or could there be anyway i could get grinds of my previous teachers to supervise my project work and sign it off?sorry for harping on but any help would be greatly appriciated
Hi Fintan, you said you played the accordian as part of your practical for music I’m just wondering what are the names of the pieces you played?
Kind regards,
Hi I’ve just gone into 5th year and I want to study medicine after the leaving. I just wanted to know how you found 5th year and did you do a lot of study throughout the year or did you just stay on top of the work?
Thanks ๐
i am in 6th year and really need help with english. grinds cant be taken because they are at the same time as french so nahh. i dont know what to do with english. my teacher is really crap , and most of the work i hand up i get C’s . BUT i need an A in my leaving cert. any help or what sort of work can be done?
regards maryam
Hi Fintan,
I know it’s been a couple of years now since you sat the leaving but fair play anyway! What an achievement!
Anyway, I’m a sixth year and I need to get about 550 points in the leaving cert. I know this is very possible for me however, I am concerned about English and Music. I’m on average a B student in both of these subjects and I would really appreciate if you’d tell me how you got an A1 in Music and an A2 in English, as I need to get As in them.
Thanks ๐
Hey! Well done man, ur results are amazing! Bet u were super proud of yourself. What are u studying now? So I’m doing the leaving cert this year. Im doing chem, biology, french, english, ag science, business at HL and Maths at OL. Im doing ag science in one year so im really scared. What would you advise, how will I study for ag science? Also French is my worst subject atm and I would really really appreciate if you could help out on how to study for that? And im guess chem was just learn learn and learn? Thank you so much!
Hi there,
I was wondering how you studied for the reading comprehension in French. Obviously it involves studying lots of vocab which I am doing right now, but what kind of vocab? Did you just learn it from the reading comprehension past papers, or learn it by topics or what?
Thank you very much in advance for taking the time to answer!
Kind regards,
Hi fintan,….I’m Saba n I’m a j.c student I really really want to be a doctor….I don’t know what to do….how can I get so much points…. At the moment I’m doing all subject as u know we all hv 2… But I’m really confused should I do business in l.c …if I do it will stop me concentrating on my dream…and if I don’t then if I don’t get enough points I will hv no choice….also I want to get a head start for l.c n get. A+ IN biology .chemistry.English…I really need help for English for the unseen bit…For science … When ever I try to study I get distracted…any tips plzzzz…
And also can u.tell me should I do t.y or not would it be beneficial for me..I mean I want to be a doctor…
your results are amazing! just want to know what is easier, chemistry or ag science? I am bad at both but need to do one of them for the course I want.Also,what the project like and about for ag science? Thanks.
Hello Fintan,
I am currently a fifth year approaching the Christmas exams. I know earlier that you were talking about selling your notes. I am really interesting in the Ag Science notes and even the project if you still have it. If you’re still interested n selling then give me an email. [email protected]
Cheers Fintan
hey, omg fair play to you.
I am currently doing my leaving cert this year and i havent exactly done much study. I really am eager to go to UCD to do Socail Science next year, but the problem is i just cant get motivated i dont know why. I will be motivated for a good while then boom i am back to round 1. I am doing everything higher except math-OL. I am doing English, math, history, art, home ec and biology. I am really scared i might get low marks. I never once failed any subject the lowest i ever got was a D in math at the start of 5th year. I am a fast learner and if i focus i can acheive what i want. So heres where you come in ๐ i was wondering if you can help me get motivated and maybe give me tips on how to get going and make every single minute of this 5 months count. Oh and do you have any tips on how to study math and bio, i love bio but everybody’s negative attutdie is getting to me now :'(
please if you can email me- [email protected]
thank you very much
Hey Guys Im In 4th Year & Doing The Leaving Next Year Just Wondering Does Anyone Do Leaving Cert Religion ? If You Do Can You Send Me Links For Resources. As You Probably Know RESS.ie is Kaput so Im screwed for help. If Ya Do Reply & I’ll Send Ya My Email. Thank You !
I was wondering where you can get the key phrases for biology :/ that would be great. and well done with your results ๐
I am almost finished with my mocks, but I don’t even have half of my subjects all studied for. How long should I be aiming to spend each night, or how should I study? Would I do well if I focused purely on doing exam papers on all my subjects for the next few months?
P.S I’m aiming to get around 485
hey , I really need help…I’m doing music and I need to get a C1 in Higher Level for the course I want to do. The teachers in my school are useless, I’ve had like almost four different teachers since I started the senior cycle, can you give me advice and and suggestions in order to get a C1 I don’t get the set works at all ! is it possible to obtain a C1 by just doing good in the harmony,aural,melody,irish and practical and can you give me some advice on how to go about with the harmony and melody please..
Hi fintan,
Im just wondering if you could advise me on maths. At the moment I’m doing 7 honours subjects and am considering dropping down to pass maths as its taking up quite a lot of time. Im hoping to do medicine next year and am not sure if its a good idea to drop down to pass maths. it would definitely lighten the load for me and I will probably do better in my other subjects as a result. did you benefit a lot from doing OL maths? just wondering if you could help me out ๐ thanks so much ๐
Hi Fintan.
Im an a sudent and i just really need help to finish up my studying.I got 615 in my christmas tests .i just want to know how to keep it going.
Hi Fintan!
Well done on your results
Hey Fintin,
Absolutely amazing results well done!! What I really need to know is how you studied over the Easter before your LC! Did you manage to study every subject fully over the two weeks? And what hours and how many hours did you put in each day? And could you give me an example of what you managed to cover each day..in lets say Biology. Because although I got an A1 in my mock I have a feeling that although the rate I study at is way too slow and taking time off others! Oh plus how you studied for English?
Sorry for all the questions! Need 580 to get the course I really want so any help would be great!!!
Carmel ๐
im only in second year but i want to know how to focus on study nd not get distracted i think i do quite well i got all As in my christmas nd summer tests so far in all subjects and i start my summer tests tomorrow but i cant focus on study Wat wud u advise for me?
Hi, I am just wondering if you can get points if you fail leaving cert english ?
Hi. I was just wondering do you need to pass the ag science paper for your project to count? I’m really stressed out and worried over this
Hi I was wondering for ag science how long is each project supposed to be and what headings should I use? Thanks
Dear All,
Can somebody please help me that which type of key books are the best to prepare for the exam.
Either someone also need to ge through the text or what could be the best way to achieve higher marks.
I will really appreciate your assistance in this matter.
Kind Regards,
Hi Fintan, some really good info on this site ! I am starting to ‘ freak out’ about my History Research Project I am currently going into sixth year without having looked at it. I have two main ideas a local one and one on Wilberforce. I just can’t seem to find out how or where to start. Thanks Katie
Hi, fintan my name is Kiran and I’m going into 5th yr this September . I am thinking of starting my studies this yr so I get hood grades in the LC. I do Irish,English, maths, chemistry,biology,french and geography . I chooses all HL for now. If you can give me tips how to stay in HL it would be great and also tips on how to study or how to get good grades on the exam. Thank you
Hey fintan.
So more or less I have been doing well enough but And am doing my leaving this year but what I was wondering how you were able to fit everything in a day I mean you said 3/4 hours weekdays studying. Even including hw that’s going home around 4 and studying until 8 with no breaks. I mean that’s actually amazing in my eyes because I think I would probably die if i tried it. So my question really is during the week was it like a cycle of going to school coming home studying and dinner then bed or where is the social life I mean it surely can’t all be study!!!
fintan i was hoping to ask you how did you motivate your self through the whole process and do you think doing exam papers religiously would help me as i prepare for my mocks as through out fifth year i did only well barley an hour of study
Hi Fintan,
I chose to take up ag science last year in 5th year. Exccept I basically have to do the course myself because I only have one class every 4th Saturday. It’s really difficult and my teacher has only given us a brief layout of what our projects should contain. I’m so stressed out about it! I have no idea what to do or of any extra things and personal touches I should include. I’m hoping to get an A1 in ag science because I do Biology and Geography both of which I am an A student. I really need help about the project though. Any ideas, help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Fintin come back we need you!!! ๐
Im in sixth year and i just cant seem to get into a routine of studying and i obviously want to do well and would love to get 400 points and that might be easy for some people but put me under pressure and i just cant work as well as i normally do ! i do history german maths irish english biology art . im only doing 3 ordinary level and i should be able to do well enough in them but i just cant focus and i really want to do well so any help at all would be great and is the leaving really as hard as everyone makes it out to be ? thanks !
Any chance of some tips for chemistry! Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks ๐
help? leaving cert ag sci oral with my teacher tomorrow what questions do they ask? thank you O.o