Since September I’ve been breaking all that study rules which, if adhered to, would have gotten me A1s throughout the year. Things like a school tour to Rome in November, unheard of until our class fought for it, imperative for our understanding of Latin grammer was seeing those monuments, oh yes. And then the week before the mocks I went to Dublin for a gig, Amanda Palmer. It was amazing. Also this one time I went out on a school night, bold me. But it was worth it, Islands gig. You get the picture, I like living.
Annnnnnnyway, I’ve gone and done it again. Long story short, a week after the Easter Holidays I’m not going to be in school. Oh no, I’m going to be in Stockholm. Because I’m just bold like that. I’m going with EYP (European Youth Parliment) and it was totally my own choice to go or not. And I just thought, screw it like. I mean, I’ve been sarcrificing so much this year to the Leaving Cert already. This trip is the kind of opportunity which I will only get once. So I’m grabbing it and going. The week (actually nine days but shush) is being spent on matters that are not being examined on but I will certainly need for y’know that little thing they call life.
Oh, I’m a bold little leaving cert student. A word to those aghast at the fact I’m abandoning my studies for a week, I really do feel quite guilty. It’s like a grey cloud on my good news. But I get study guilt even when I stop for tea and end up totally immersed in Sky. So I guess somehow, someway I’ll just look past that, squel in delight and have fun packing my suitcase. I do conceed though, coming home to “ZOMG exams in four and a bit weeks!” will be nasty. Have the herbal teas and meditative mats on standby, I may need some zen.
Things just got interesting.
Hahaha! Going to the EYP is a respectable waste of time.
I went to a club one Thursday night not so long ago, ha. Still went to school the next day and all… A-wa-heyyyy! Actually, I’ve gone out on more than one. I’m a rebel too, me.
Amanda Palmer is awesome! Definitely worth loosing some study over…
We should form a club.. Another great way to waste time! 😀
Marie is awesome….=]
Life is SO much better than school, I completely agree.=D