… no need to fill you in.. All I can say is “WHAT THE FUCK”
I am so disgusted.
Aside from the fact that the two poets I was counting on were on the original *sigh* and all those other bets that I had placed actually would have payed off…
They put the exam on the Saturday?
This is really stupid for so many reasons, I’m too stressed and tired and altogether pissed off at the SEC and that teacher in Louth and just chance in general to elaborate but basically, this has fucked up my entire schedule, now I’m going to have to try squeeze in Irish and Business revision TOMORROW before going back to Maths and then back to English again.
Does anybody else think that EVERY LC-er should just go out on the tear tonight?
Have a few riots, show our displeasure…
If so, comment. 😉
fuck Louth.
fuck the SEC
actually fuck English paper 2.
Lets just not go in on Saturday?
BWAHAHA that’ll show em
Whooop, lets drop that national standard 😀
… I’m IN
It’s epic.
A fucking Saturday. Worst day of my life.
OH my God.
We’re all going to die.
Marie i’m totally with you on that. Just freaked. I mean I’m all for English being separated as far as not being on the same day but having them days apart is just NOT COOL. Aaaaaaaagh!!
Saturday is really the SEC trying to be a prick. Riot it is.
im guna sneeze in my paper!! give them all a taste of the swine flu!:D
My God they just got an angry email from me.
What an idiot. I mean, who looks at Paper 2 and sees Paper 1?
It should be postponed till next Saturday at least. Irish and Maths and History need to be concentrated on this weekend and I’ll be wrecked on Saturday after this.
*dies but not really*
Yeah….LC PARTY tonight! 😀
wow, what a joke.
The perfect paper and all,
I’m royally pissed.
that riot sounds great…
Still waiting for someone to say…. but it was all just a dream.
We’re in a very bad JC essay. It’s unreal.
“We’re in a very bad JC essay. It’s unreal.”
HAHAHAHA i wish……. that’s hilarious
i say we boycott de exam on saturday!!wat a joke!!i would have been laughing tomorrow all dat came up is the exact same as de mock i got!!:(:(:(
if enough students decided to not come in,
they’d have to give us all A’s!
Ya, lets all go shit at English!
Y’know, there’s enough tension and civil unrest that we could probably pull it off if we really tried… (a student strike, I mean)
I tink we shud all go burn d taoisoch! lol!
k so finaly gt thru 2 dennis dayr….n his gaf fne may i add…..:)…im wel in…bt nyways ds is wt he sd…if u wna go wit r dnt wtevr bt jst teln yas….he said ther wont be a lot of change on the poetry questn…they might jst hav it changed 2 write a speech…but montague might come up instead of longly because its his 80th this year…..he stil thinks the same poets…keiths,bishup and walcott wil stil be on ex
denis creven institute teacher me mate called him!!!!
very reliable
i’m in 🙁
i’m sooo angry!!!!!
I smell the smelly smell of a burning taoiseach… Smells smelly.
it would be hilarious if this was the topic of someones actual essay, but i dont know how it would fit…
I daydream of a burning Offaly man?
y burn de taoiseach ya fool!
Haha, when I first heard about the leak I cited that movie as what’s going to happen. Nobody believed me. An hour later I was right.
i looked all over the net for that movie a few weeks back, couldnt find it anywhere! thank yooooo!
Is it just me that is kinda happy it’s not on tomorrow?
That extra day will do just nicely. I really have to go over the poets , Walcott, Rich and Montague are top of the list….
I am in shock…..this is a nightmare!!! I CRIED!! i actually CRIED!!!! I was depending sooooooooo much on Bishop and Longley!
I hope that examiner is peeling off her skin and pissing on it!
I am going to write ‘F-you’ every secound line on my paper on Saturday!!! and then cry and make the examiner hug me!!!
thats it im sharpening my garden tools….
God, what a seriously stupid superintendant. Do they not need basic literacy skills?
And the 2 tools who signed for it before opening missed it too.
Seriously, the stupidity of people horrifies me sometimes
Bah, cranky as hell now, the perfect paper I’d imagined is ruined now 🙁
Going on the tear seems like a great idea now…
It’s fairly good. Orals scene is great.
Will someone will please help me?
Im actually freaking out here, I really don’t know what to do…
Like, what should I study? How different will the thing be?!
This exact thing happened last year at a school in Navan but nothing like this happened. we all knew for a fact Rich would come up but nothing was ever even said about it
I am in shock…..this is a nightmare!!! I CRIED!! i actually CRIED!!!! I was depending sooooooooo much on Bishop and Longley!
I hope that examiner is peeling off her skin and pissing on it!
I am going to write ‘F-you’ every secound line on my paper on Saturday!!! and then cry and make the examiner hug me!!!
thats it im sharpening my garden tools….
Hey guys
Dont freak over this shit im welcoming this news with opened arms. More time to revise for english and maths now, you fucking idiots. STOP freaking out. The backup paper was made up by differant people than the original was, so they more than likely picked the same or almost the same poets just different questions on them. Just study the same shit you were for paper 2 yesterday and you will get a higher mark than you would if we had the exam tomorrow. Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
imagine this happened with maths tommorrw ha
anyone notice how great this news of knowing what was on the leaving cert paper was so fantastic and we all loved louth and louth were all like you love me you really love me !!
and then it turned nine o clock and suddenly it was like get the pitch forks your dead louth dead as can be !!and louth were like shit bitch this aint right!!
so basically what I am saying is that includin my self we are all quiet two-faced lol!!!!
^LOVE it!
its STILL ridiculously shit cos i cudn study tday at all n i was in exam mood yesterday now im not! iv had a waste o a day, hav probly forgot everything i stidied yday n now all my exams nxt week are gona b shit
Kate love thats what i taught all last night until i woke up this morning and noticed what a nice day stepped into the garden had a fag LOOKED UP INTO THE LOVELY DARK SKY NO SUN NONE AT ALL I MEAN I MIGHT HAVE WELL BEEN LOOKING UP SOMEONES ASS”””!!
And knew right then that this was going to be a great leaving cert!!!
until 5 seconds ago and the sun came out so BASICALLY!!!!!WERE F.U.C.K.E.D
oh wait the sun went away its going to be great!!!!