Everyone’s talking about today’s and tomorrow’s Leaving Cert English papers and there seems to be a lot of worrying going on about what’s coming up in the exams. Panic not! In the 2009 Leaving Certificate only 1.7% of all students taking the higher level leaving cert English examination failed, with over 70% of students achieving a grade C3 or higher.
photo credit: nDevilTV
In Ordinary level only 3.3% of students taking the English exam failed with over 75% of students achieving a grade C3 or higher. Now without being too presumptuous and over confident if you go with the statistics you really must consider the fact that you probably have a 70% chance of getting a C3 or better! Given the fact that you are on this site looking for tips and tricks on how to pass the leaving cert and what’s coming up my guess is you’re interested enough to care so you have a good chance of being one of the 70% or more that achieves a C3 or higher.
Some of you may argue that you need an A1 to get into a certain course or that you want to do well. But for those of you still worrying about paper one and even paper two tomorrow, chill out! Let the stats do the talking, finish English tomorrow, stop worrying about it and move on to the next exam. Remember there’s a good chance (a 70% chance) that you’re a C or better.