Years of preparation- useless! Nothing has prepared us for this, life altering experience, a test of strength, ability and endurance. After months of training we are thrown into the battlefield, no, the mocks were nothing like this. The supervisors give us our commands and we sit anxiously waiting for the go-ahead. Tick-tock, tick-tock… with a perplexed look on our faces we look around for familiar faces, seeking comfort. But nothing. There’s no going back now.
We begin. Advancing through the wild trenches of our inner mind we seek answers, we seek help, we seek success. Peering over every corner we hunt for a comfort zone, something recognizable, some thing we can relate to. But nothing. Feeling helpless, we do what we can. But in the end we will survive and we will experience the sheer pleasure that we, we did it. We accomplished the ‘Leaving Certificate’!
Best of luck to everyone!