… alas. Too much napping in airports and planes today means that I am now wide-awake and talking to others in the same pre-result position as myself.
Like, we’ll be grand. A few years from now this will all be a distant memory, like seriously – does anyone out there still care about that re-arranged English exam? “Ohhh yah, haha, remember that” I hear you say. Well that’s because time is great. It seems to have a funny technique mastered which allows us to only really remember the good stuff. Whoohoo. No need to worry so..
I wish.
It’s not as bad as it could be though, I’ve been enjoying my wonderful summer of freedom and now I arrived home from Paris today and continue to be somewhat distracted from the impending doom that is reality. A throbbing insect bite and a debs dress predicament do serve as wonderful distractions though, promise.
Okay, there’s nothing any of us can say or do to make this feel better. Good luck everyone and I have my fingers crossed for you.
Over and out. ๐
good luck to you too….
myself, i’m not feeling anxious or anything, i just can’t sleep….
i can’t sleep either! good luck!
Yep, I’m buzzing far too much to sleep! Gonna be a long night…
I know how ye feel, I cant sleep either
Good luck! ๐
…Also, still awake. :/
Let’s play a grand game of ‘who can stay up the longest’. I assure any pending challengers, I will win!
…I need medicine, you see.
i’m still awake! getting droopy though…..
I didn’t sleep all night. Leaving the house in about 40mins for the drive to school. Good luck guys.
Yeah baby! Just got back from Time and I’m buzzing. Here’s what I got if anyone’s interested.
Irish (O) D1…..A personal stab at the mundane, banal, necro-language of death.
English (H) A1……Boooh Yahhhh!!
Mathematics (H) A1……Pretty much expected
DCG (H) A2…..Take that, new subject from hell…
Economics (H) B2…..Noooo!
Biology (H) A1…..zzzzzzzzz
Physics (H) A1….. n..n…nicccceeeee
570 total. All I can say is damn economics….damn him to hell…
wow TickTock,thats unreal:O
Hey I just want to saw thank you for your posts! They’re not only entertaining but i must admit i actually found them comforting! All of the “i’m too tired”‘s and “i’ll do it tomorrow”‘s sound shockingly familiar and I must admit it’s quite comforting to know that others were in the exact position as me this time last year. But yet, ye still managed to avoid a complete mental breakdown and keep that all essential pulse in check til the end! Dibs to ye i know i’m dreading the whole stress of it! I’m also aiming for medicine but I find myself doubting my ability to reach it lately. Partly because my fellow ‘contenders’ for medicine are pretty much upping the anti beyond belief, already, and partly because there just arn’t enough hours in the day!! I mean cumon, where do these guidance councellers get their stuff from? 35 hours study a week exculding homework, yikes! I dread to admit that the aul social life is very much going to be put on the back burner this year, but in the word’s of Lear himself its the “Bitter” bitter truth! Laura
Hey I just want to say thank you for your posts! They’re not only entertaining but i must admit i actually found them comforting! All of the “i’m too tired”‘s and “i’ll do it tomorrow”‘s sound shockingly familiar and I must admit it’s quite comforting to know that others were in the exact position as me this time last year. But yet, ye still managed to avoid a complete mental breakdown and keep that all essential pulse in check til the end! Dibs to ye i know i’m dreading the whole stress of it! I’m also aiming for medicine but I find myself doubting my ability to reach it lately. Partly because my fellow ‘contenders’ for medicine are pretty much upping the anti beyond belief, already, and partly because there just arn’t enough hours in the day!! I mean cumon, where do these guidance councellers get their stuff from? 35 hours study a week exculding homework, yikes! I dread to admit that the aul social life is very much going to be put on the back burner this year, but in the word’s of Lear himself its the “Bitter” bitter truth! Laura