Maths, Geography & Using My Vote!

Finally, the 5th of June has arrived – a day I’ve very much so been looking forward to since I first registered myself to vote a good few months ago. I got up this morning after what felt like only a short nap with a big grin on my face, thinking, it’s voting time.
Many of my friends never actually bothered registering, but, me? I’ve been counting down the days.  This is going to be my first time voting, and, to me, that’s a big deal.
I’m not going to mention who I’m voting for here, obviously, because no matter which party I’ll say there’ll be people grimacing and slagging me- but I’ve put plenty of thought into it and I’m just… excited. I haven’t actually got around to voting yet- I only left my Geography exam less than an hour ago, and I’m still nowhere near my constituency- but I will. Soon. Currently though, I’m making use of the library’s free internet access- Although I really ought to be cramming for English…

Not even my dead hand’s wiping the grin off my face or the less than nice maths paper this morning.

Higher Level Maths- Paper 1-  it’s always a challenge. That’s pretty much why I like it, but it’s also why I hate it. We have a complex relationship.
But not as complex as… Complex numbers.
Now, I’m not one to complain much (This is a blatant lie), but what the hell was Integration doing in Question 3, the Complex numbers question- my BEST FRIEND on Paper 1? I saw it, and had a freak-out moment. Integration- Question 3?
Are you avin’ a laugh mate?
I was able to work out the rest of that particular question perfectly, but that awful awful Integration really threw me. I literally wrote the following in my script:
“Q3. (c) (ii) GO HOME INTEGRATION- YOU DON’T BELONG HERE! Seriously, examiner d00d, there’s been a mix up. It loooks like this got a little bit jumbled up here- and I don’t resent you or the SEC for it. Much. I’m just asking you to give me the marks anyway, for noting this obvious error.

I’m hoping he/she will appreciate the wit and award me an A1.

Overall consensus? A tricky Paper. There were some nice question- but nothing was overly straight forward. The mentioning of Anne and Barry got me all jumbled up in the Differentiation question too, so I’m hoping paper 2 will be nicer. I really, really am.

As for Geography- well, I’m delighted with it. I sat the Higher Level paper- and got an A1 in it last year.
Certain aspects of it were quite tricky, but it wasn’t too disgusting, all in all.
The short questions were an absolute walk in the park- we were being given marks for literally writing down information given in the question. If I don’t get full marks there, I will actually buy a hat, and eat it.
Physical Geography was very predictable- a bit’a plate tectonic theory,  processes which led to the development of an Irish landform, Man’s interference with coasts/ rivers/ the sea, Isostatic movement- the works. I did Question 1, because it just seemed like the easiest and I’d say I scored very highly.
Regional was definitely the trickiest part of the Paper. A core European region was pretty much unavoidable, so I had to write about the Paris Basin even though I’d barely revised it. I waffled on for a good bit though, so I’d say I’ll accumulate a few marks.
For the Elective, I was doing the Economic Section, and I was pretty happy with it. I’d been freaking out a little about it last night as I hadn’t done it in class this year and I was worried that a lot of my facts, figures and statistics were out of date, but it was actually grand. I got to talk about a developing economy that had been influenced by Colonialism in the past, ie, Brazil, which was the job.
And finally, my favourite part of the paper- The Option. Here you’re required to write a big long essay which is worth 80 marks, and I was worried I’d end up struggling. I chose the Geoecology option, focusing on soils and Biomes, and the questions were just BEAUTIFUL. A few weeks ago, I wrote out an essay on Brown Earths and the factors which influence them- mainly Parent Material, Climate and Organic Matter. The question was phrased EXACLTY so that I had to mention these. Full marks here, without a shadow of a doubt. It’s the first thing I checked when I got my paper, and on reading it I was quite tempted to stand up and cheer.
It’s just as well I didn’t though- it seems the Global Interdependence Option was considerably tricky, and as many of the students in my exam centre were doing that, they’d probably have shot me. Global Warming and Desertification were heavily predicted to appear- but they didn’t, for the first year yet. BOOOO-Urns.
General consensus on Geography: A fair paper, with a lot of predictable questions. Personally, I’m delighted with it and it seems a fair few others were too. It really calmed me after my less-than-epic Maths Paper 1, but my hand is now falling off.
Woah, Geogrpahy involves a LOT of writing.Anyway, to finish up, I’d just like to wish everyone good luck with the English tomorrow. There was a lot of talk about it in school today, but I’m sure we’ll all struggle through it.

Now, time to get my Vote on. Woohooo!

68 thoughts on “Maths, Geography & Using My Vote!”

  1. I have to first time voting was epic! The sensation you get, walking in the door feeling all grown up. And then putting the two votting slips in the ballot box. WOW! Just wow, you’ll enjoy it.

  2. Wow you’re cocky about Geography! Starting with I got an A1 last year! That’s positively a blunt advantage, it’s so very refreshing to here somebody speak in no uncertain terms about how great they are!

    It saddens me to think that the world seems to conspire in your favour, but even more so that I read nearly that whole thing ( don’t flatter yourself I was waiting for karma to appear in the form of some horrific accident).

    For this section of life’s exam (let’s call it humility) I can safely say that I got full marks. Can you?

  3. Um, Jennie, plenty of us teens vote. It’s our responsibility as a citizen – it doesn’t make you special or give you some sort of moral high ground standing, it means you’re fulfiling your duty as a citzen.
    As Justin said, humility 😀

    (I’m voting Higgins for Europe, don’t see why we should be afraid of getting ‘slagged’ for who we vote for – surely that’s half the fun of politics! Who’s with me on Higgins??)

  4. Justin, there are so many logical errors in what you said I barely even have the time to pick it apart. But I will, anyway.

    1. She wasn’t being cocky, she was being honest. It’s her job.
    2. How is the world conspiring in her favour if she’s had to repeat the LC?
    3. And when she does, the SEC screws up for the first time in decades.
    4. She’s not obliged to be humble, even if she wasn’t.
    5. Saying you wished she had an horrific accident just because you’re jealous of her skill in geography makes you sound like one psychopathic motherfucker
    6. Besides, an horrific accident does not counterbalance an A1 in geography karmically. It’s not that big a deal.
    7. STFU and GTFO


  5. Re: Prick

    I hate people who can’t realise that “WE’RE IN THIS LC THING TOGETHER*…

    *Terms and conditions may apply. Performances may rise and fall. Performance is a factor in overall success of the investment. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that investments are assessed credibly, entrants should be aware that marks are awarded in comparison to and with emphasis on the overall bond performance. No hedge fund is offered in remuneration.

  6. clarke: ha ha we are not in this together!!

    its not a “teenagers against the system” exam its a “teenagers against teenagers dog eat dog fight to the death to get the course you want” exam!!

    let’s be realistic.

  7. “Jeeez, she’s just exciting about voting, she didn’t say she was going to choose the candidate that would win herself – she just wants to vote.”

    What? I never said she said she was going to choose the candidate that would win! I was just making the point that it’s sort of lame to show off about the fact that you’re actually going to vote (it’s fine to be excited, I was!) because we all should.

    Emerald – She did come across as cocky. Maybe it wasn’t intentional.

  8. Jeeez, she’s just exciting about voting, she didn’t say she was going to choose the candidate that would win herself – she just wants to vote.

    Anybody happen to remember the Regional question that contained Tertiary Activity in a sub-continental region? I think I forgot to do the (A) part altogether, so it would be lovely if someone could put my mind at ease and tell me I didn’t lose the simplest 20 marks ever?

  9. Eh.. I think the point I was trying to make Aoife2 was something like what you’re getting at. But I didn’t want to put it in a “OMG we’re all attacking one another for points” kind of way y’know?


    Anywho. A little bit of confidence never hurt anyone :).

  10. GO JUSTIN!

    Come on you little, green gem, ahem, Emerald.
    You know Justin hit the head on the nail or whatever that expression is.

  11. sorry clarke if that came out kinda vicious!!
    I suppose the world could do with a little extra love and kindness at the mo!

    (now off to sing kum by ya roung a campfire…)

  12. I am sorry I just said what I was thinking. I think some people just maybe should embelish their own prowess a little less. Having said that I respect her right to her own opinions and would hope she would do the same unlike Emerald.

    I am pleased to see you went to so much effort to reply but depressed by the fact you had to resort to STFU and calling me a prick. It is a sorry state of affairs when people have to resort to the pejorative, I would like to think it is your defunct vocabulary and not your defunct personality that prompted you to do so.

    As for the blog I think it’s great that she’s expressing herself, it is her attitude to the exam I find objectional.

  13. Oh we’ve all had days when we wish our competition *think fighting tellytubbies scrambling over the last pint of goolosh* simply didn’t exist. I can understand the sentiments Aoife2. We’re all good… come on the MONTAGUE.

    Bad language is the language of the uneducated. But expression is the language of genuis. QED ;P

  14. People need to get off their goddamn moral horses and stop randomly insulting people’s friends and expecting to get away with it.

    You. Said. You. Wanted. Her. To. Get. Hurt.

    It doesn’t matter if you were right. If you said that in real life you would have gotten worse than a tongue-lashing.

    (Bah, ya’ll caught me on an off day, anyway. I’m usually not this aggressive or hostile…)

  15. tellytubbies…barney….goulash….I feel so secure knowing class of 09 is our country’s future! 🙂

  16. LOL. This what I’ve become! Nah. Hopefully a doctor with a speciality in stuffed animals.. promising? I thought not.

  17. is it not kinda worrying that you want to become a people healer that likes stuffing dead animals?

    just wonderin like…

    whatever rocks your boat!!

  18. My study break is over. Right enjoy paper II v2.0 It’ll all be ruthlessly tragic but flawed with ambition.

  19. Cant you see whats happening people. You are all suffering from the Macbeth syndrome. The seed of ambition that has rooted itself in your minds is making you all competitive and EVIL. Your teachers are your Lady M’s and im Banquo, not really giving a fuck. You all want the King or rather Queen Jennie to die so you can do better in the leaving. God, i really do love a good parody
    P.S. not insulting anyone here,just a bit of fun like, sorry about the whole Queen thing Jennie, but someone had to be Duncan.
    P.P.S. 🙂 🙂 🙂 since you asked nicely Grace

  20. I think someone might be pissed off that he didn’t do so well in his exams, is all. Kinda pathetic but whatevs.

    Even if she wasn’t humble, which doesn’t even make sense because she was blogging her experiences and she did well – why should she say, meh it was grand? – at least she didn’t get up on her moral high-horse and be an arse about it.

    Also, let’s be realistic?… I don’t understand people who think we’re all in competition. At best, we’re in competition with those who want our course, and even then, you don’t have to get nasty about it, as some people really do.

  21. What’s wrong with her saying she got an A1 in Geography? It’s not bragging at all. And what “attitude” to the paper? ALL she said was that she got an A1.

    Obviously your own exams didn’t go so well or something. Don’t take it out on someone else please.

  22. I was being sort of sarcastic… My point was, let her be excited. She wasn’t showing off, just voicing her excitement! 🙂

  23. I just voted a few minutes ago- was nothing of an anticlimax.
    Ah, woohooo!

    To negative commenters: To be fair, I wasn’t taking a moral highground on voting at all. I also wasn’t saying that no teens vote- I was just saying that the vast majority of my own frineds who I’d been talking to never even bothered to register.
    As for geography- doesnm’t it make sense to compare my results from last year with my performance this year?
    Obviously I was aiming to match my Geography grade from last year. And the paper went well- why would I say it hadn’t? I did mention that I found parts difficult, so I think I gave a balanced report.

    Like, if you’d read the whole post you’d see Maths didn’t go as well as I’d hoped? Isn’t that good enouh for you all?

    Aoife, Emerald, Brian, Grace, PJ and anyone who had a decent input to give- Cheers.
    Oh and PJ? I’d make an epic Queen. Who do I have to kill?

  24. Do killer on that exam tomorrow and you will be Queen of English. HaHa, watch this ” is this a pen i see before me” and ” Jennie hath murdered Leaving Cert English Paper 2″.
    Great way toremember quotes,LOL. 🙂

  25. I'm from De La Salle Waterford

    You are all losers. Go and get a fucking life! Go drinking for yourselves or something!

  26. “I’m from De La Salle Waterford”? Loooooollllll, I hear that place is a total suck hole, made of suck.

    PJ- Words flounder. Have a heart <3

  27. Go and fucking fail your Leaving, get a shitty job and waste your life away cus you couldnt do a couple of days studying. While your doing that, we will be in college, getting pissed every night, and getting stoned all day long. And your calling us losers??? hmmmmmm, definatly inbred.

  28. Oh, I just go there to make the school look good.
    BTW, I just checked your email address- go study a bit’a Biology there , no? 😛

    PJ (And you there, DLS-er)- I was actually planning on going to the pub tonight. English messed up my very important plans. I wasn’t going to get smashed or anything though, but, y’know… bit’a banter.

  29. I'm from De La Salle Waterford

    OOOOOOOOOO! Sounds like a keyboard warrior! Well i’m just shivering in my boots! Just to clarify I did my leaving cert last year, and i’m going in to 2nd year! By the way you spelled definitely wrong. And who calls it getting “stoned”?

  30. I'm from De La Salle Waterford

    FAIIIIRRRRRRRR ENOUGH!! LOLAGE you caught me! Don’t know what you’re on about Geography was feckin’ hard!

  31. Your name was HARDLY a give away tbh.

    Meh, I liked Geography. I’m probably going to be dragged down due to my immensely shit project though.

  32. Then get off this site retard, why are you slagging people whose shoes you were once in. I call it that, what do you use caked, baked, high, smoke on. Its all the fucking same.

  33. I'm from De La Salle Waterford

    How could I leave this wonderful site Pj, with all these lovely people on it? My Project ws the Jay-ohh-beee! Regional geopgraphy definitely the hardest!

  34. He’s got a point man, it is quite full of lovely people. Like, eh, me.

    Regional Geography just seemed so… picky. Or something. I dunno. It was a cunt, anyway. Basically.

  35. I'm from De La Salle Waterford

    What elective did you do? we hadn’t covered enough to do a single question in patterns and processes in the human enviroment! Just had to completely bullshit a question about changing land use patterns! What teacher do you have?

  36. Ohhh the confusion has settled I sat the ordinary level paper lmao . Happy Faces are not happy today because maths is not my friend 🙁 . I find myself sleeping . A lot . Anyone else ?

  37. I'm from De La Salle Waterford

    General vision and viewpoint and cultural context aren’t in wikipedia therefore they don’t exist!

  38. Aoife-
    For the Part B, I rambled like mad as well.
    I know there’s so much irrelevant waffle there, but there’s SURELY at least 12srps or w/e they’re looking for? Surely.

    Liam (Laim? WTF, Is this my fault?)-
    It didn’t. Like, wtf was it doing there? WTF? I think it was lost.

    I did the Elective, and I was in O Dotz class. Well, I was supposed to be… but my attendance record wasn’t exactly great…
    Also, If CC doesn’t come up tomorrow I’m so unbelievably fucked… right in the fuckhole. FUCKED.

    Not exactly sure what that is. Red bull anyone?

  39. Oh yeah, forgot that I’d changed my name.

    Aoife made me.

    I was doing S&S exam Q’s yesterday and one year Q4 was algebra. GO HOME ALGEBRA. They like being random bastards every now and then!

  40. Im staying away from the auld caffeine cus its like keeps your body awake but kills your brain, im testing berocca boost tonight to see if it will keep me alert though,any1 tried it at night yet???

  41. Berocca Boost actually makes me vomit for some reason, so, I avoid it.
    Regular berocca though- yeow. It’s amazing at night. I’m totally turning the PC off and having one.. soon.

  42. Ya im drinking one now, planning on staying up till about 4 or so, a good solid 4 hours sleep, half an hour of flipping pages rapidly tomorrow morning. You doing a bit of cramming too?

  43. I quite liked regional, which was kinda funny cos it was the section I was dreading.

    Physical was all over the shop for me though. All the bits I wanted were in different questions. Ended up doing Q1, but rambled on anything and everything for the B part…

  44. We’ve renamed him Laim. It’s cooler than Liam. Apparently there’s a second Liam floating around too – Liam Eile.

  45. Yeah… Liam Eile… stated he was different to the other (equally brilliant) Liam (ie, you.)
    (More or less his words…. One of Emeralds posts, mibbe. Don’t remember)

  46. Rosin if you are voting for Higgins you should be worried about getting slagged, Because you are voting for a socialist. So lets name famous socialists 1 by 1, Stalin, Mao, Castro… Need I go further. Like its not my place to criticize your vote, but do you actually want us all to work for the state and get no pay at all, or do you just think its funny to vote for someone no one else votes for?

    Banterous blog post though.

  47. Hi Chris-
    Yes I voted for a socialist because I am actually in favour of socialism. I would be in favour of communism if I thought it would work in the real world (just what is wrong with everyone being equal may I ask?) except I know, from history, that it really can’t.
    You didn’t name famous socialists; you named famous communists. There’s a difference. I don’t think it’s “funny” to vote for someone no one else votes for – if I agree with them, I’m hardly going to stop just because I’ll be slagged (as I said, that’s half the fun of politics) but plenty of people will vote for Higgins – because, as you may have noticed, our lovely little capitalist state didn’t work very well now, did it?
    I don’t think pay should be the reason you do your job and if that’s all that motivates someone, I think it’s quite sad.

    Mao & Stalin – completely insane, destroyed their countries, dickheads.
    Castro – actually did a lot of good for Cuba, but I won’t pretend there weren’t bad sides to it.
    (As I said though, not socialists)

    Oh and I am fully capable of arguing this to the ends of the earth, but I think other people might get annoyed! So sorry if it turns into some pro/anti commie thread…

    English 2 was lovely, big relief. Hope the rest of you did ok.

  48. Grand well I can respect the fact you may know what you’re talking about, but Higgins is a self confessed supporter of Trotsky, and Trotsky was the worst of them all. Looks like he may have got it anyway. He can go to Europe and join all the Finns…

  49. I hardly think Trotsky was the worst of them all! Perhaps if he’d had the chance, but what about Lenin and Stalin?

    Anyway, yes he may indeed have it 🙂 Long as it’s not that Mary-Lou.

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