(….No,Im not really sure if “bhlog” is in fact the irish for blog,but lets assume it is anyway.)
My names Kiera,Im 17 and,of course,Im in 6th year.Admittedly,I dont have much to say about school yet cos Im not back until tomorrow,but Im sure Ill have more than enough to ramble on about this time next week,along with my fellow bloggers who I have yet to acquaint myself with.(Hi,guys!)
So what am I looking to achieve out of this whole leaving-cert thing ?Well,hopefully,fingers crossed,medicine.Yes,medicine is something Ive wanted to do so badly for as long as I can remember,and just when I started coming to terms with the ridiculously high points that need to be achieved,they introduce us to the hpat.Could they make things anymore difficult?I really dont think so.Especially since points needed for first round cao offers have,yet again, increased.Medicine in UCC last year was 715 points,and thats climbed its way up to 725 this year.My dream…vanishing more and more before my eyes every year.
Anyways,enough with all the depressing stuff ..well get to that when school actually,officially starts again.Theres plenty of options out there which Im going to start looking into,but for now, aim high and if you dont achieve that youll get the next best thing.(Or you could just repeat,but,again,well talk about that LATER)
Since finding out that Im gonna be a blogger this year,it has brightened situations up a little.Ive been following this website since I was in 4th year for gods sake,so I cant believe its really our turn now!
To the start of a new school year…lets make this the best one yet!
Slán go fóill,
Ciúnas bóthar cailín bainne (hahahaha),
I really wouldn’t stress too much about getting into medicine. You just have to do two things 1)study to get as many points as you can and 2)practice the hpat! The hpat, although said to be an aptitude test, can in fact be practiced and prepared for like any other test you will sit. Before I sat the hpat last year I did a MedEntry course in Dublin and it was well worth it. I am now going into firstmed 😀 thanks to my hpat score. I would really recommend for anyone applying to medicine to do preparation. http://www.MedEntry-hpat.ie is the link to the course I did. Best of luck.
First of all well done on getting medicine I cant imagine how thrilled you must be!!And thanks so much for the link,youre now the 2nd person to suggest it to me which is a good sign.A guy from my school got in the top 99th percentile after doing it.Without being a tight arse,I knew these courses were expensive but WOWZA!Thats one pricey workshop.From what Ive been hearing,though,its well worth it. Thanks a million!!:)