The Leaving Cert year is full of “big” annoying choices, like where you should go to college, what course you should do, what you should do for projects and whatnot. But it’s also full of even more frequent, annoying “little” choices, like how much you should study this weekend, what you should study, if you should go out tonight or whatever. It’s these smaller choices that are most grating. People have the big stuff figured out, and are just working to achieve them know how much they have to do, which makes it more annoying. You know what’s required of you…now it’s just to do it! Even though it’s only September, I’ve already got that feeling when I’m flaking on study or doing something remotely fun, I should be catching up on my German vocab, maybe writing the English essay that’s due next week, and so on.
Sometimes I think it’d be actually way easier if the Leaving Cert was nearer. If I could just fast-forward through all the study and drama that comes with the LC, and just be doing the exam tomorrow. Wouldn’t that be great? Finally finish the damn thing, and reclaim my life (until I begin medicine, that’s not meant to be exactly easy-street either, but at least it’s something I’d enjoy studying).
Even before I wrote this little blog I had a choice, write this blog or get started on my mountain of homework for the weekend. I figure since I’m one of the few bloggers now with only one entry, I’d better write something (hey, it’s not my fault, the server was khrazy). Yeah. That’s my excuse. It’s the smaller choices that make Leaving Cert so burdensome, coupled with the bigger ones…well, you can see why they say it ain’t all roses.