Allow me to introduce to you loyal readers, the all new class of 2009! This year we have more writers for more entertainment. They will fill us in on their leaving cert life along with their views, intentions and strange habits over the year! Feel free to join the Forum and get talking with your fellow students!
Without further a do, here are your writers:
Name: Jennie
Skills: Compiling Lists, Appreciating Pi, Using Sesquipedalian Turns of Phrase, Writing.
Bio: There’s no denying that there’s a lot to Jennie. She’s no ordinary young adult, but one aglow with an incandescent wit far beyond her years! Although profoundly interested in and enthusiastic about her schoolwork (for the most part) she has no qualms about taking it easy from time to time, spending hours engrossed in books, listening to some pretty questionable alternative music and wasting time on t’internet. The Leaving Cert’s definitely a topic she knows a lot about seeing as she’s a repeat, but nonetheless it’s still as daunting as ever.
Name: Elizabeth
Bio: Hey, my name is Elizabeth and I’m doing my Leaving Cert in Muckross Park College in Dublin. After going through many career choices (a shepherd when I was three to a vegetarian restaurant when I was six to an acrobat when I was fifteen) I’ve finally decided medical research is my calling, so I’m hoping to do medicine in Trinity next year. This blog will be my take on the leaving cert as I try to get enough crazily high points to hopefully nab one of those oh so hard-to-get places in medicine. It will be a constant battle between my wish to study something interesting in college and my will to stay in bed and do nothing. It’ll be a tough year and sacrifices will have to be made (my precious 9 hours of sleep are under severe threat lately) but I’m hoping it’ll be worth it in August.
Name: Daniel
Bio: I’m 17 and I’m from Dublin…..AND a fellow leaving cert student. I’m in 6th year in a fairly well known school on the Southside (whoever guesses right wins!).
I’m studying English, Irish, Maths, French, Spanish, Biology and Business (all higher level).
I’m loving the languages and want to travel the world but before any serious travelling hopefully college awaits. When not studying I like to go out and have fun with my friends.
I play guitar and at the minute I’m playing some good old classics of Greenday. I’m learning to drive too (good to unleash Leaving Cert frustration). 6th year’s fine but mainly trying to study when I can and have loads of fun when not studying.
Name: Jane
Bio: Jane is a girl on a mission, with a license to learn. While academics are her number one priority this year, she has many outside interests which include: dart-ticket collecting, cactus planting, instrument-playing and most importantly this blog. She hopes to study medicine next year, so that in the future, she can help those who need it the most.
Name: Paul
Bio: I Iive in Donegal, I’m grumpy (about school). I have terrible spelling. I like short snappy sentences. I’m into a lot of things; programming, computers, communications, ham radio. If it has to do with packets or voice I’m into it, telecommunications, VOIP and all that jazz. I play the drums; I play in a band in Derry called ‘Redro’. That’s about the height of it. I like to look on the funny side of life, and not take things too seriously, unless it’s very annoying, like school for instance. I’m hoping to go on and get a degree in computers and network communications. Great fun, I only need 180 points or so. But I want to try and get more, I have been told to expect 430 if I work – we’ll see how that goes.
Jennie: You seem like a very cool person. Kind of person I’d personally enjoy. My only problem here is your use of the word “sesquipedalian.” Although I’ve completely forgotten what it means, I think it makes you look silly because it seems as if you’re… attention-seeking, shall we say.
Elizabeth: Didn’t like the mention of your previous “hopes”. Don’t quite know why; probably because you wanted me to laugh, but I didn’t. Also: 9 hours? Stop being so lazy. 7 hours is the appropriate!
Daniel: Camera shy, eh? Me too, and I’m good-looking! You seem like a typical lad (I mean that without any negative connotations). You seem like fun. But, firstly; Greenday? Seriously? And secondly, you want to travel? Everyone does.
Katie: You also seem like a cool person. Loving the hat. But dart-ticket collecting? What instrument do you play?
Paul: I know it sounds base and ridiculous but your photo makes me want to hit you. Short, snappy sentences? Great, but yours don’t seem to work. Boink! Imma gettin’ 560+ points… You lose. 😛
Well chosen, nivek.
I would have to agree with eamonn on Jennie… As for Elizabeth, I sleep like 12 hours most days… but thats normal isn’t it? 😀
Haha, you seem like you’re pretty up your own ass there man eamonn You make me, want to hit, you. 🙂 have a nice day barbie 😉
Poor Eamonn, you’re just beating yourself up inside because you were too lazy to send a submission in time.
hehe, oh Eamon. ok, i bet your the kind of guy who gets pissed in nightclubs and runs around trying to start fights. Tour socially insecure, hence why you get a kick out of telling other people what kind of people they are. You seem like an idiot to be perfectly honest, not that i would want to hit you. After all, why put an idiot out of his misery, when you can have hours of entertainment as he chases his tail? Judging by the length of your “comment” your annoyed with yourself because you think your an award winning novel writer, but your doors aren’t being knocked down with newspapers offering you jurnalism jobs..
Anyway, its quote time.
“…because it seems as if you’re… attention-seeking, shall we say”
Haha, oh my. Yes, and your not seeking attention with your comment?
“…Don’t quite know why; probably because you wanted me to laugh, but I didn’t”
I’m quite sure Elizabeth has absolutely no care whatsoever that you didn’t laugh. In fact, I’m quite sure she is happy you didn’t.
“..Camera shy, eh? Me too, and I’m good-looking!”
Haha, not even going to comment. I’m quite sure your fat and have more spots than your polka dot undies
“…Loving the hat. But dart-ticket collecting?”
Im sure its 20 times better than anything you do!
“your photo makes me want to hit you.”
Your such a nice person, i can see how you struggle to make friends in life 🙂
“Short, snappy sentences? Great, but yours don’t seem to work.”
HAHA, has to be the funniest thing you said all day. What the hell did you expect them to do.. make you toast? turn your computer screen into a 3d magical world with lots of bunnies and pink flowers? expect them to jump up and dance on the desk?
One word Eamon, grow the hell up.. go make friends, rather than making idiotic posts, just because your jealous of us.. you should try and make friends with us, then we might respect you.. but your type is not wanted on the internet, its your type that are causing all the problems on the internet, spreading bad feelings faster than ever.. and until you realize this, your still going to be a failure at life..
– Paul
p.s before you reply with your well drafted response, i should make you aware at this point that i don’t really care…
Invisible high-five, man! I’m waiting for iTunes to re-download, so I’ll give you this one.
This may seem a little disjointed; I am tired, and generally bad at typing. Also: WALL OF TEXT. Don’t expect you to read past this. 😛
Nivek, where’s the link to the forums? Never mind, I see it… No, no. Though I do regret not sending a submission in, my criticism was not born of that. Unfortunately, your writers were unable to handle that. (The “Well chosen” at the end meant exactly that. No sarcasm.)
I slept for ages last night. When I woke up the sun was already setting. But I had been up all night playing TF2, which makes me somewhat-ashamed. I assure you that I am, in person, very un-up-my-ass. I’m just very secure in myself; I do know my limits and shortcomings just as well (probably better) that my strengths. I have to admit, I’ve experienced a surge of confidence in recent weeks, and I’ve been worrying about becoming a cocky arsehole… I apologise. Fine, I’m very complacent, but “barbie”? Come on. That’s too far!
I don’t even use iTunes… It stopped working, see, and apparently re-installing does the job…
Paul, what was that? Playing the ould insecurity card? Cripes. That’s a new one. For one thing, I don’t generally drink. Nor do I go to nightclubs. That, of course, is irrelevant, which makes me wonder why you mentioned it. Since you went through mine comment, why not return the favour… Wait, socially insecure? Telling people what they are? Am I the only one who sees this gross hypocrisy? Madness!
Okay, okay. I’m sorry; I’ve almost become guilty myself of your mistake. You see, you insulted me by what I said; you did not challenge my actual words. You did not defend your fellow writers, you merely attacked me, for whatever reason. The ad hominem is no form of argument. You can’t disprove what I say simply by trying to self-satisfiedly degrade me (whoops, sorry).
Now, on to business.
Just like to point out some things. Criticisms, naturally, and not the mere insults you are employing.
Firstly, the entire “aren’t you seeking attention by your comment” is just… crap. Don’t mean to condescend, but it’s babyish. It is not difficult to distinguish between the types of attention being sought.
Secondly, do not speak for Elizabeth. I am merely pointing out what I got from her article – that it was an attempt at humour. This attempt (I’m sure she’ll succeed very soon; it’s easy to make me laugh) did not work. Try again. Criticism, as I said.
“Award-winning novel writer”? Heehee. No, I don;t write too often, and I wouldn’t be too sure of my talent. But my entire point, in this comment and the last, was that I’m criticising you. Telling you what parts I didn’t like so that you could plausibly take it on board and change it (criticism is highly valuable to any award-winning novel writer). The I’d-like-punch-you-in-the-face one was, I admit, completely useless. But I must also admit that some people can put very annoying expressions on their faces! 😛
That comment about me being fat… My ribs show, and, again, how exactly is this relevant? I was having a little humourless joke with our friend Daniel. I wasn’t addressing you.
I asked about her hobby of collecting dart tickets because I wanted to know more. I wasn’t making fun of her; I was more like “WTF?”
Short snappy sentences… Silliest thing you’ve said, then. I mean, come on. That toast stuff, that was just awful. I (obviously) meant work as in “they don’t go well”. I’m merely suggesting that you use a different style of writing; your current one has perceptible flaws(I’ll get back to definition later).
I enjoy such banter as that last paragraph! But, again, my reasons are not valid, because that would be gross generalisation. No, I would merely like to point out, once again, the destructive nature of your insult-based retort. You don’t know me, so don’t pretend to. My social life is more than adequate, thanks. Jealous? Heehee. You think much of yourself! Ah well. Bad type of the Internet? True enough. Here I am especially dislikeable. I agree with you entirely that there is a lot of bad feeling on the Internet. Part of its nature, perhaps. Make friends with you that you might me respect? Nay, not this mythical respect. You again fail to see my motivation. Criticism, as I have said and will say.
And I leave it at the babyish argument once again – if you don’t care, why respond?
Just kidding.
Screw you, Colin. How’ve you been, anyway?
Attention seeking? Jennie?
It’s all a bit too blatantly obvious, I couldn’t possibly deny it. *rolls eyes*
(All it means is that I’m a fan of large, extravagant words. It”d be a farce to use small words to show this!)
I am rather cool though, it’s quite easy to pick up on that particular trait.
Anyway, enough about my own greatness. I think all the writers here seem pretty interesting! Looking forward to a year of delectable blogs!
of course i’ll reply….
but really cant be bothered to either defend my…ah whatever
long story short, be nice! and others will be nice to you..
//… 10 mins later ../
yea, this comment is never gonna get written 😛
no hard feelings, i meant well, just don’t like bad things being said about me in the internet, constructive, yea sure, to my face perfect. but on the internet… its as good as behind my back!
again, no ill feeelings
– Paul
The vitriol is strong in these comments.
Perhaps Eamonn has been self-appointed as some sort of blog-critic? The Tom Doorley of the internet perhaps?
7 hours is not enough sleep for me, maybe for you, well done, you can use your time to save the world or something. If I get 7 hours sleep on a school night I can just about battle through the day and then I collapse and have a nap at home. 8-9 hours does me fine thanks.