I had the most unusual night last night. I was meant to study but after the long day I laid down for what was to be a 20 minutes rest but actually turned into 4 hours sleep! I was slow to get up and little study was done. A 5am job was in order for once again another late night/early morning. The sleep deprivation is really getting to me, I had the same dream twice last night which I woke up after, it was so lucid… in fact scary and only 2am! I woke automatically at 5am this morning, my body clock seems to be actually adjusting!
Today I will be taking the French and History papers. Am I nervous, yeah I must admit little. The French comprehensions vary so much from year to year and are sometimes simple but other times complex. I hope my grammar, spelling and vocab will be up to scratch, to be honest I won’t know this until I am in the exam as I have not practiced since the mock!
History will start just 70 minutes after French, the syllabus for history is huge, I mean 4 books. I am anxious, I have only learned what I have predicted to come up rather than centuries of oldness. If I am unlucky…
I’ll let you know how I get on,
Discuss French in the Forums! or How about History?