Wow I’m tired as of late, I’m sure the majority of 6th years are. I was asleep for 3 quarters of study today, I’m not exaggerating one bit here. Today I managed to break my glasses today playing friggin ping pong for P.E, don’t question it, it’s just my luck lately.
And on top of that I got that result back for a physics test that I wrote about, 54%. I was fuming, I just couldn’t believe it I had convinced myself I would get 100%. I had a look at it again a minute ago, I think my teacher was drunk correcting it, it was really more like 85%. Thats all I need is for teachers to tell me I will do bad even when I drilled laws and diagrams into my head!
Also, why don’t students get thought out of those revise wise books they are a mile better. The ones I was made get through the school are rubbish. Such a waste of paper.
And I’m really missing rugby now, it was a way to get rid of stress and keep fit and active. I had to give it up for the year, something about getting 3 concussions last year 😀 Did anyone else give up a hobby for the year?
People say that education is the passport to live, I really don’t feel like travelling anymore 😀
I look forward to friday
Take care,Yogi
It sounds like extreme table tennis would make a good substitute for rugby.
Yeah, the tiredness is getting to me too! Bed earlier is probably the best solution…but that means less time to do stuff NOT related to school.
I’ve had to pretty much give up all sport to keep on my work with voluntary organisations at the weekend and to keep my job (working only one shift per weekend now though). Can’t squeeze in anything else…
I’m still doing Gaelic and going to the gym to train for rowing, and technically I’m supposed to go sing every Saturday but that gets sacrificed for having a life! And I go music once a week if I have the time, but I have no time any more – I can’t revise with the amount of homework! I know the feeling about breaking glasses though, I managed to break the frames of mine by cleaning them (in PE actually) ..
I justed laughed reading this blog, because I can relate so much I find it so hard to keep awake past 10, And then I like feel guilty for not studying. And I feel like all I do is worry!!
Haha sorry about my little rant, but like these blog.
Just start abnormally freakin out about the leaving cert it gives you loads of energy. You will find yourself up until 3 and awake at 5 🙂