Welcome to Hell

Well, hello there peoples, Eadaoin Griffin is the name and the Leaving Cert is the game. I hail from the mighty county of Kilkenny in a place called Slieverue, just on the border with Waterford.  Naturally, there is big hype over the All-Ireland at the moment but that’s not what I’m here for I suppose 😀  Just got home from my second day of school to see a couple of my fellow Leaving Certs have blogged and was a little frightened to see that everyone has Math ambitions and such.  I am one of those people with more of a…non-scientific mind. God knows why I am doing Higher Maths! Anyway, my subjects:

  • English
  • Irish
  • Maths
  • Geography
  • Art
  • Biology
  • German

All Higher, for now 😀

I got a pretty good mix of subjects there without settling on purely science or more creative subjects. Hopefully this will whip up a cocktail of sucess for mise.  Unfortunately, my Irish ain’t too hot but hopefully my new teacher will get me the C1 the I need to  become a primary teacher.

School has gone fine so far and surprisingly we haven’t received the “This is the Leaving Cert now, this is serious” speech but I expect that to come along in the next two weeks or so. 😀 Other than that, it’s just been settling in and getting along with school council business. The homework starts now I’m afraid and I’ve already got my fair share to do for tomorrow. Curse you lucky people who start later this week! *shakes fist*

I must scedaddle and learn my German roleplay about getting paint on my new jacket! I’m off to complain to meine Prufer!



3 thoughts on “Welcome to Hell”

  1. Ich bin total verstört! Und nach dazu habe ich meine Pass verloren! Um Gottes Willen, was mache ich jetzt? Aber alle ist gut, weil ich mein leckeres Fisch habe im Restaurant… Ein Minute! Was ist das? Diese Fisch schmeckt mir sehr komisch!

    Oh the German glory days 🙂

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