Well at least I won’t get scurvy

Thats right ladies and gentlemen marmalade consumption is at an all time high. We’re reaching the bottom of a jar within one week and while the other inhabitants of this house may have aided such a progression, I’m taking most of the credit for exceeding even my own expectations of how much toast one person can eat in one week. It has gotten to the stage where I’m not even eating dinner, just opting for a slice of toast because :
a)I can just make it myself, thus using my hands and distracting my brain from proofs and translations and all that
b)because breakfast is the best meal of the day. I’m not going to let anyone contest that.
Breakfast > Dessert > Lunch > Dinner > Snacking.
Yes. This is SO relevant.. Ahem.
As I’m sure everyone knows… there’s a recession on. And we need to be economical. I am taking the same approach with my study. Paring it down to the essentials as the time ticks on, this is most applicable in English and Irish poetry where I look at the likes of Adrienne Rich and Derek Mahon and strike them from my list because I feel that the time it takes to learn them comprehensively, when met with the probability of them actually coming up… NOT JUSTIFIED. Anyone else out there partaking in “study on a budget”?

Well whether it be a strike of luck or something completely different my wireless internet connection has DIED. And it’s only because of that that I now see how much time I was spending on facebook… So I also deleted the application from my phone and now I’m trying to limit myself to only going online at night/after a heinous few hours of study. For a while anyway.. Whether or not I go absolutely crazy or not is to be seen.

This morning I was up at seven and studying by eight am. It was epic. Recently I’ve noticed that around 4/5pm I’ve started getting altogether restless and not able to stay studying altogether that well or that long but if I stopped that early I was overcome with guilt, watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch just happens to get me through such tough and altogether painful times.. But this morning, I just got up, having gone to bed early the night before and now I’ve two essays under my belt with some miscellaneous Maths and Business Studies thrown in for good measure. It’s epic and I really didn’t think I had it in me. Perhaps marmalade has super-power qualities which allows one to function at early hours. It’s amazing too to think of how long the day is when you don’t spend it all in bed, love it.

Albeit, you can really tell it’s nearing the end of the year by the state of my frazzled brain. Earlier I was writing a letter to John Montague in order to let him know that I think he’s a bit class and his poetry be bitchin’ like, shur you know yourself, and I was staring at this word… It was a word, I knew it was a word because it was a collection of letters… It just didn’t look like a word that belonged to this language… And it wasn’t. For some reason I thought the word “analytical” needed a “j”. I mean… A FREAKING J… Jesus.. How the hell am I going to get my desired points if I’m finding it hard to stop slips of my hand.. Geh. I used to be able to control my own hand movement. If I’m not careful I’ll hand up a script after an exam only to realise that I have merely written out something along the lines of “How to make an epic cup of tea”. While I’m sure any corrector would appreciate this, I’m just not sure that it really will demonstrate my knowledge on equilibrium.

ALSO, while playing with my calculator the other day I learned something interesting.. I’m going to be writing under “exam conditions” for 25.83337 (or something) hours. That’s mad. All the worry, cramming, frustration and so on get jammed into something that lasts little over a day spread quite thinly over a two week period. Am I the only one who preempts that come the 17th of June at 5 o’clock I’m going to feel a little embarrassed for causing such a fuss and for thinking it was so important… Everyone I’ve talked to, with their well-intentioned yet seemingly condescending well wishes, warns me of the anti-climatic vacuum into which you get sucked into once it’s finished. Just some overwhelming …nothingness. I can’t wait. I embrace said nothingness. This is merely furthering what Olen has already addressed but won’t we all feel a bit foolish come August 12th, smiling at those results.. thinking to ourselves, “Shur what a laugh”.. Ahem… damn optimism. Please don’t shoot me oh stressed ones.

But that is then and for now I sit here, enclosed in a cocoon of books and marmalade. Hmm, the song that just started playing on my iTunes is called, “All I Want From You Is Some Effort”. Think I’m going to take that as a sign and trot off. Happy Friday to you all!

Squishy (or maybe slightly sticky and orange) hugs,
Bring it, oh mighty Board of Education!

2 thoughts on “Well at least I won’t get scurvy”

  1. Study budgets fo lyf. The odd time I get up before lunch time I do indeed find myself to be more…focused? It’s easy to concentrate that early for some reason, I must agree. But yes it makes me lament all of those days I arose at 3pm and was asleep by midnight. Oops…

  2. Oh right now I just miss the nights where I could go out until 4/5 and note feel guilty because it might impinge upon my study!
    Roll. On. Summer.

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