6 months from today, the Leaving Cert 2015 will be getting underway. The 2015 timetable still hasn’t been published yet by the state examinations commission but as soon as it is, we’ll update this Leaving Cert 2015 Timetable page.
Speaking of updates, we’re busy working to improve theleavingcert.com and have already introduced a new mobile-friendly design, improved site speed, security and fixed plenty of broken links.
Further improvements will include:
- Exam paper and marking scheme updates (ensuring latest papers are available)
- FAQs section to provide general information on the leaving cert (results, appeals process, fees, CAO etc…)
- Subject reviews – where past and present students can browse and add reviews for leaving cert subjects
We’re also eager to connect with students on our social media channels and in particular would encourage students to join the leaving cert subreddit: r/TheLeavingCert. The reddit platform is an excellent way to create, discuss and share topics of interest and most importantly it’s all community driven.