Sexism, howarya.

So this is something I’ve been planning on blogging about for a while but I really haven’t had time! I haven’t even got the chance to read the other blogs until tonight.. This is the effect of the Leaving Cert. Sound.

Basically what I’m talking about are subject choices and how people don’t get what they want because it’s not offered in their school. My school doesn’t have any ‘masculine’ subjects which really annoys me! There’s no DCG, no woodwork, metal work, technology, Physics, ANYTHING!  Why? Because it’s an all girls school I presume. Okay I do admit, maybe no-one in the school would actually take them up but at least the option’d be there! Another thing to talk about are career choices and stereotypical make/female jobs. I’m not into that but I know when my cousin told her Guidance teacher that she wanted to be a quantity surveyor, she was met with “That’s not a girl’s job, pick something else” She ended up having to find out about herself and got her degree. But what teacher actually tells a girl that?!  Though as much as girls do complain about these things and how they want to be equal.. It doesn’t happen! After apparently ‘offending’ a lad by buying him a drink, well I’m not wasting my money anymore! If he wants to buy me dinner & pay for the cinema while driving me around.. Let him. Not my fault, sexism obviously has a positive aspect, non? But it works both ways. How many boys schools offer subjects like Home Ec? Or boys that refuse to admit they want to become a nurse because it’s not a big manly job? Seriously, I have no problem admitting that I like spending an hour messing with the oil & chains on my bike because I know my dad won’t be able to fix it, I think girls probably do have it slightly easier in talking about what they really want to do.

Well I hope that made some sort of  logic! Until next time 🙂

2 thoughts on “Sexism, howarya.”

  1. This is why I love going to a mixed school. I won’t lie, all my options are traditionally girly (three languages, History and Art) but there are plenty of girls in my year doing Physics and whatnot, and I think it makes things way more interesting. Besides, it’s somewhat thick of the government to rant about the smart economy and getting more women into science at third level when a lot of the subjects aren’t even offered to them at second level.

  2. I’d love to do those subjects, I like physics and making things! There’s still way less women doing science or constructive courses because they just weren’t really encouraged to do them, tis quite sad

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