Art. 4 days to my leaving-certificate art exam. Today I took the day off school for a little preparation. I am here googling images for the theme of the poster, I like what I see and fear getting caught for plagiarism completely by accident. Anything that may compromise my exam scares the life out of me.
The art exam confuses me. What can I do, what can’t I do? Someone please reply! I’m getting images for my research page but I’m not allowed copy them onto my finished design. Am I allowed bring in lettering I have printed off the computer? so very very confused.
History. I recently handed in my research study report and I am satisfied, quite pleasing to get a fraction of the exam out of the way before June.
June is quickly approaching and I must admit I have not been studying as much as I planned with the interruptions of an unplanned social night or a game of GTA IV. I try and try but sometimes it’s hard not to give into temptation, in fact impossible.
With just 3 weekends left before the exams, approximately 534 hours or so. I hope to spend long nights in cramming for hours at a time, sleep as little as possible and guzzle as much caffeine as imaginable. Colin Murphy plays town on Thursday… shall I attend?
“A temptation is an act that looks appealing to an individual. It is usually used to describe acts with negative connotations and as such, tends to lead a person to regret such actions, for various reasons.” – wikipedia
Just here doing a few last minute bits for my leaving-cert art exam which is due to start at 9am! kinda frightened as I feel a little under prepared for the imaginative composition and the life sketching. But lets see how it’ll go!