Maths paper 1 came a with devious questions this year, many part C’s consisting of confusing symbols and figures. Question 1, arithmetic is generally the easiest on the paper- Not for me this year. Terrible phrasing was seen throughout part C where we marked-up the sale price of an unknown item.
After a bad start, I got into the game and flew through my questions only experiencing a demanding question here and there. Under the stress of the moment it is hard to remember every little rule during differentiation and functions but I managed to pull through.
Overall: Satisfactory. A few friends are very unhappy. many fear failing! If a high failure rate is possible in ordinary level subjects then it’s my opinion that the exam should be revised. Although we still have paper two to regain our optimism, paper 1 has out a dampener on many students weekends!
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Yeah, I’m not in the best of moods after that exam, praying I didn’t to do some study for paper 2!!