Organisation: Tantamount to Procrastination?

I may be taking the Leaving Cert somewhat seriously, but that does not necessarily mean I’m not a procrastinating dosser at times.
I have Christmas exams starting this week (which is ridiculous in any case seeing as it’s the very first week of December- Grrr!) and I’m feeling no stress, no exasperation, nothing.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I can’t seem to get into that stressed out mindset at the moment. Usually it’s great; I stroll on through classes and feel absolutely no pressure until BANG! It’s the night before an important exam and I simply MUST soak up as much information as possible, epitomising one of those foolhardy cramming students. No sleep, a plethora of coffee, hair being pulled out, the works!
But alas, not now.
I know that’s not the way to go about the Leaving Cert, I do, and I have been working at a nice, steady pace, but not everything’s fresh in my mind.

I can’t make myself get in any way worried about writing a Macbeth essay, beating out De Moivre’s theorem, applying Le Chatelier’s Principle or writing a page on something exciting like “La Drogue”. Dá M’bhféidir arís dár gCumann, sensory neurons, regions of industrial decline- the mention of such things doesn’t cause me any mental turmoil. None. Why am I not freaking out?
I’m horribly mellow, which doesn’t suit me.

I want to study, genuinely, but this weekend all I’ve really done is organise my notes (seriously). As some of you may know, this is a seemingly endless task which, personally, I get an odd, perverse pleasure from. It’s a bit like studying, although not really. Not really at all. In fact, it’s my favourite method of time-wasting and procrastination! I’ve found my organisation threshold simply cannot be overstepped: I’m well renowned for my impressive collection of immaculately organised folders, and why not? They’re functional as well as being stylish! Disorganisation and general messiness annoys and fluster me, seeing loose sheets lying about creates an emotion similar to that which one would feel on hearing polystyrene fingernails being scraped across a 6 acre blackboard. Organisation? Well it’s like cheese on toast, gloves and good grammar- comforting.

As I was strolling from school to catch my bus on Friday with two bulging folders in my hands I got such an array of admiring and approving glances that I think I’m going to have to walk through the buzzing metropolis of Waterford with colour co-ordinated folders more often! Girls wanted to be me, guys wanted to be with me- they’re an accessory envied by almost all. I’ll be getting those delightful things out in public more often! 

Of course, there will always be the seldom few who mock my perfectionism, my pedantic ways, my craving for organisation- but they’re nothing but foolish imbeciles. Jealous ones. Organisation FTW!

Is there something wrong with me? Probably.

Does anybody else obsessively organise things into folders JUST to avoid studying- alphabetically, chronologically, in terms of colour, importance and preference?

If not, why not? It’s a lot more fun to perfect a bundle of notes than actually LEARN them. 

Anyway, I’m off to commit those oul’ Chemistry definitions into my memory. Or organise another set of notes or something.
Fingers crossed the ‘I-need-to-cram-OH-MY-GOD’ thing sets in soon though- I bought some Red Bull for the occasion and everything! There’s not much left to categorize…

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9 thoughts on “Organisation: Tantamount to Procrastination?”

  1. That was so funny!!!! 😀
    I always organise my notes rather than learn them!!!!
    Makes me feel like I’m doing something productive when essentially I’m not really!!!!
    But you’ll end up with very neat and organised notes!! Just be sure not to over organise or else you may never find what you’re actually looking for!!!

  2. I love organising notes, so satisfying at the end of it. Also nothing gives me a buzz like stationary shopping does.

  3. Judi C: Over Organise? Does such a thing even exist!? 😛

    Elizabeth: Stationary shopping!! One of my primary vices, it gives me an eerie sense of euphoria… It’s not quite on a par with organising notes, but it’s damn close!

  4. Stationary shopping? Sounds very… counterintuitive.

    I feel like hitting myself because I’m so lazy. I may take a leaf out of your book. But just one! 😛

  5. In the words of Ms. Martin… all the way back in first year…
    “organisation is the key to success”

  6. Quite the enjoyable read madam, brings back memories. Mellowing out is a good thing, just don’t mellow out to my level, thats just not good.

  7. That made me think back to my days when my notes would go into one plastic pocket per subject. Good times haha. Excellent read.

  8. Not stapled notes, oh no, colour co-ordinated paper clips, that is the way forward!! 😛 Organising notes is procrastinating but it’s productive procrastinating and a key requirement if one wants to get any work done. It has even be said to me that the leaving cert is an assessment of how organised one is, though for me that is taking it rather too far. Regardless, few people who get the really high points will have loose sheets everywhere and every second sheet missing, it’s just impractical. Just don’t spend too long organising them, at the same time there’s no point in organising your notes to the highest standard if you never actually use them..

  9. i can see where you are comming from jennie but i dont use most of my notes, ie my english ones, i swear that man is just photocopying revision books for us and the notes are all useless to me, he gives sample answers which i abhor and dont even read most times and he knows i dont read them which is very funny. The only notes i get that i use are french biology, music and chemistry, ie my 4 choice subjects. this means i dont need to do much organisation since most of it jsut goes in the place its relevant with a paper clip or is written in there like in maths where i write all my notes in the relvant chapters as it makes it easier to mind anf find them. oh if only i had you level of obsessive compulsion but alas mine pales by comparrison

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