The dog days are over….

Well not quite.

All exams finito except for one. That ‘oul rogue Agricultural Science.

So for the most part my leaving cert experience is almost over.

Overall I found it stressfull and I really don’t think the results I’ll get will be equivalent to the work I put in. But I can always repeat.

Maths paper 2 was overall a much nicer paper then paper 1 but I somehow prefered the first paper. No idea why.

Irish was never going to be an enjoyable experience for me but I got through it. That being said I would dearly like to apologise to the examiner that has to read my Stair na Gaeilge questions. Highly ridiculous.

French. If I had studied the 4 topics that we had just covered a month before the exam I would have had an A1 on that paper. Pity I stuck to more general phrases that I could mould to different answers. But maybe next year.

History. I have mixed feelings about this exam. I guess my biggest thing is the time issue. In general when we learn topics in school you go into the exam with each topic moulded into an answer. So when they ask a question abolut Martin Luther King it’s very hard to answer it properly when I don’t even know five pages of material on him. Was an ok exam not great which is disappointing when it’s usually my best subject. More time needs to be added. I would gladly swap the twenty minutes from english to history. Ridiculous when biology is given 3 hours and that would only be needed if you’re doing every single question on the paper whereas with history its a struggle to answer the required amount.

Biology. What the hell. Ecology and Genetics fine. No reproduction. No respiration or photosynthesis in the long questions.(Aside from that measly experiment part) Instead we got a diagram of the ear and the nephron. A lot of my classmates who would be weaker at biology found it a breeze. So I think it might have catered more for weaker students then the higher grade students who would tend to opt for more difficult chapters. I would be suprised if I got a c1 after that exam.

So overall am I happy with my leaving cert so far? Not entirely. The year took a lot out of me and I doubt I’ll get a result I want. But here’s to luck.

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