This is just to keep you all updated on the development / feature front.
Can’t see other blogs?
This only applies to our bloggers. Once you login, then visit the site (still logged in) you’ll only be able to see your own posts and nobody else’s.
This is a security measure. To view the site as a normal user would please log out and at that stage you should be able to see everything.
Archives – live
We’ve added an archives page where you can view older posts by year & month.
Comment Ratings – live
We’ve added a comment rating feature on all posts. Thumbs up if you agree / like a comment, thumbs down if you disagree / don’t like it.
Automatic author images in your posts – coming soon
This only concerns bloggers. We’re working on automatically displaying your profile picture beside every post you create. Up until now it’s been a manual process which kind of sucks.
Customized author profile page – coming soon
This only concerns bloggers. Right now, your profile is available under ‘2010/2011 Team’ on ‘The Team’ page. Along with everyone else’s profile. We want you to have your own profile page which will display your profile info along with your latest posts. We’ll update you once this is in place.